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Popcultural Osmosis Failure / Reference Mistaken for Original

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Pop-Cultural Osmosis Failure examples:

Reference Mistaken for Original

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    Comic Books 
  • Cobra Kai: In the spin-off comic series, Johnny makes a reference to Rocky Balboa, whom his teenage students only know as "the old guy from Creed".

    Fan Works 
  • Ultra Fast Pony: Happens in-universe.
    • "The David Bowie Drinking Game" (which, true to its name, is loaded with David Bowie shout outs): Spike says that Rarity was kidnapped by "scary monsters and super creeps!" Twilight corrects him: "It's scary monsters and nice sprites!" Everyone else is aghast at Twilight's ignorance, and at the episode's end Twilight admits that she has no idea who Bowie is.
    • "The Longest Episode": Pinkie shares her The Lord of the Rings Self-Insert Fic, and her audience tells her that she's ruining a classic book. Pinkie is shocked to realize that "There's a book of Lord of the Rings?"


    Live-Action TV 
  • The Handmaid's Tale: In "Fairytale", June, her husband Luke and the Guardian with whom they exchanged info are at an abandoned bowling alley, waiting until it is dark. While they wait, Luke goes to the alley's organ and plays Al Green's "Let's Stay Together", serenading June. The young Guardian, who barely remembers life before Gilead, likes the song and asks Luke if he wrote it. Luke is all, "Yup".
  • How I Met Your Mother: This frequently happens between Robin (who is Canadian) and the rest of the gang. For example:
    Robin: I love Springsteen! He's like the American Bryan Adams!
For those who are unfamiliar with these artists (due to age, musical taste, or geography), they have similar artistic styles, but Springsteen had his break ten years earlier and is much more famous around the world, and particularly in the US. Except the gang's lack of understanding over who Bryan Adams is falls completely flat for UK audiences, where the Canadian Adams is more famous than he is in America.


    Print Media 
  • In its episode guide to Lois & Clark, SFX magazine explains that Perry's anonymous source Sore Throat (who actually refers to the line "Follow the money" at one point), is a parody of Deep Throat... from The X-Files.

    Video Games 
  • Counter-Strike servers often added the Unreal Tournament "Headshot!" "Multi kill!" "Killing spree!" etc. sound effects. This became such a wide-spread practice, however, that many modders, unaware of the now-less-popular game, refer to them as "CS" sounds when they add them to other games. This expanded to the point that Valve, the company that made Counter-Strike, used the Unreal Tournament announcements in the beta of their newer game, Dota 2.


    Western Animation 
  • BoJack Horseman: The fourth season has Hollyhock mention "Chandler's List", an SNL parody of Schindler's List, which was the only reason she got something that BoJack had referenced.

    Real Life 
