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Playing With / Unnecessarily Creepy Robot

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Basic Trope: A robot that was intended for mundane intentions looks creepy for some reason or another.

  • Straight: BOB-606 is a robot intended for accomplishing minor household tasks, but for some reason it looks like a large scary crocodilian covered in Spikes of Villainy.
  • Exaggerated: BOB-606 looks like a Mechanical Abomination, but is intended for taking care of children and pets and helping sick patients.
  • Downplayed:
    • BOB-606 is a robot intended to guard households, but it takes a slight dive into the Uncanny Valley.
    • BOB-606 looks like a Giant Spider with tentacles sprouting from its back. The spider-shape is for stability, while the tentacles are tipped with a number of different tools to allow it to do all it's various jobs.
  • Justified:
    • BOB-606 was intended to be a dangerous robot before its programming was altered.
    • BOB-606 is intended to guard places. Being intimidating is part of the point.
    • BOB-606 was made for someone with a dark aesthetic (evil or not).
    • BOB-606 is menacing, but is part of a SWAT Team and its weapons are non-lethal. The idea is that criminals will be intimidated into surrendering to the police, minimizing loss of life.
    • BOB-606 lost (some of) its outer casing.
  • Inverted: BOB-606 is a Killer Robot, but looks really cute.
  • Subverted:
    • Turns out BOB-606 actually does have an evil purpose, so it looking scary is fitting.
    • BOB-606 has a mode that makes it look friendly, which is assumes while doing its helpful tasks.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But BOB-606 has a Heel–Face Turn and becomes nice, so it doesn't fit anymore.
    • BOB-606's default mode is a frightening one.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: BOB-606 doesn't look scary.
  • Enforced: BOB-606 is the Token Good Teammate, with most BOB models violating their programming and becoming [Killer Robots. BOB-606 has to have the same design, even though its story purpose is different.
  • Lampshaded: Alice, the Mad Scientist (though not exactly "mad", more like absent minded), drops this remark:
    Alice: Heheh, it appears that I may have overlooked the horrifying design of BOB. But, worry not! He's not actually that threatening, unless you're intending to use him for security reasons.
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: The company that makes BOB-606 robots intentionally makes them frightening so they can scare intruders away.
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: "Don't mind BOB-606. He looks a bit scary, but he's really harmless. He just does household tasks." "If it's just meant to complete household tasks, why does it look like it's gonna destroy the world?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: People actively avoid BOB-606.
  • Deconstructed:
    • BOB-606 frightens the children that it cares for, ultimately causing it to fail at its task.
    • The company that makes BOB-606 goes out of business since no one wants to buy their robots because of their frightening appearance.

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