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Playing With / Token Black Friend

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Basic Trope: A black character that is used simply as a means to make the white character look better. The black character will usually have no personality whatsoever.

  • Straight: Alice has made friends with Brandy simply because Brandy's black and Alice wants to look good.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Brandy does listen to Alice's problems and helps out when Alice really needs it, but she's shown having her own life as well.
  • Justified: Brandy is introduced as Alice's best friend because they have specific interests in common and like spending time together, possibly since childhood.
  • Inverted: Brandy made friends with Alice because she's white.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice made friends with Brandy simply to look good, but have become close to each other.
    • Alice is a Decoy Protagonist, and Brandy is actually the main character of the work.
  • Double Subverted: However, it turns out Alice was just using Brandy to look more accepting.
  • Parodied:
    • After befriending Brandy, Alice takes out a list named "Obligatorily Ethnic Acquaintances" and checks off the point labeled "Black Friend".
    • Brandy is blatantly caucasian, she's adopted, y'see...
  • Zig Zagged: Brandy is introduced Alice's only friend who acts as a stereotypical black girl, but as time goes on, Alice starts befriend other character while Brandy becomes less of a stereotypical trope and is revealed to have deeper characterization and motivation other than helping Alice, plus Brandy having her own company. Nevertheless, Brandy and Alice are considered and/or proven to be the best of friends.
  • Averted:
    • Brandy is not just Alice's friend. She has characterization and motivations beyond Alice.
    • Brandy is simply a side character that Alice knows, but one with characterization beyond Alice knowing her
  • Enforced: An attempt to introduce diversity to the series or movie
  • Invoked: Alice meets Brandy, and the two of them instantly hit it off as best friends.
  • Exploited: Jeremiah gets his sister Brandy to set him up with her best friend Alice.
  • Defied:
    • Brandy firmly asserts that she has her own life to live and motives in mind and won't be a pawn in some affirmative action quota.
    • Alice and Brandy despise each other.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Alice is a Soapbox Sadie who is greatly concerned about keeping up appearances, while her best friend, Brandy, is Ambiguously Brown.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played For Drama: Alice and Brandy's world is pretty racist, and people don't approve of their spending time together, which takes a toll on their friendship.

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