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Playing With / Tall Is Intimidating

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Basic Trope: A character's physical height/size makes them appear more intimidating.

  • Straight: Flash Young, a well known boxer, is known for standing at an intimidating 6'4" (193 cm) during his early years in the Junior Welterweight to Welterweight Division.
  • Exaggerated: Flash during his heavyweight years (as World Octuple Champion) stands at 7'0" (213 cm) and has the status of The Dreaded.
  • Downplayed: Flash is a 5'11" (180 cm) youngster at 12 and is pretty scary, often being mistaken for a Quarterback in his mid 20s.
  • Justified:
    • Flash had ingested (unwittingly or not) a ridiculous amount of human growth hormones, which only added to his already scary appearance.
    • Flash's lineage was known for having a hereditary disorder of a surplus of human growth hormones.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Flash is freakishly tall... But he's a rather meek Gentle Giant.
    • Flash has the status of being The Dreaded... But he's not actually that tall, being closer to 5'11".
  • Double Subverted:
    • Well... He's not actually meek, he's more of a Bruiser with a Soft Center.
    • Flash hunches, slouches, and crouches all the time, making him look shorter. When he fully stands up straight (knees unbent, back upright, neck straightened), he's around the 7'0" mark.
  • Parodied: Characters under 6'3" (190 cm) aren't taken seriously, while characters above 6'3" are treated like Eldritch Abominations.
  • Zig-Zagged: Flash's height and personality is Depending on the Writer.
  • Averted: Flash is around 5'9" (175 cm) and has a pretty average personality and reputation.
  • Enforced: An Establishing Character Moment for Flash as The Big Guy is for him to stand up straight and reveal his true height.
  • Lampshaded: "Good God, Flash... You're huge!"
  • Invoked: Flash's dad Hiro gives a 3-year-old Flash a balanced diet with an emphasis on proteins, a nice sleep routine of a minimum of 8 hours per sleep, and copious amounts of human growth hormones along with testosterone and other steroids to make him really big, strong and scary.
  • Exploited: Flash uses his height as an Intimidation Demonstration.
  • Defied:
    • Flash's dad Hiro decides against having a freakishly tall son and tries to cut back on the proteins and steroids.
    • Flash puts on a nice, Gentle Giant demeanor to defy the "intimidating" part.
  • Discussed: People talk about how scarily tall Flash is. It doesn't help that Flash is also 300 pounds of muscle and has a Hair-Trigger Temper to boot.
  • Conversed: "C'mon, really? Are there seriously so many short people that some guy above 6'3" is already scary as hell?"

Tall Is Intimidating, and I'm scared shitless of anyone above 6'3".
