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Playing With / Subverted Catchphrase

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Basic Trope: A character seems to be about to say their Catchphrase, but instead says something different (but not by accident).

  • Straight: Alice has a tendency to arrive just on time to save the day inexplicably. When asked how she got there, she will say her catchphrase: "Let's just say I get around." However, when she saves Bob and he says, "How did you get here?", she instead says, "Let's just say I... hacked the security system."
  • Exaggerated: This happens more often than her actual catchphrase.
  • Downplayed: She does say, "Let's just say I get around", but she adds, "... and the fact that I hacked the security system helps too."
  • Justified:
    • Alice wanted to use some variety.
    • Normally, Alice's reason for saying she "gets around" is because she has a secret way of arriving, however, she does not particularly want to keep the fact that she hacked the security system to save Bob's secret.
    • Alternatively, Alice's secret way of arriving is normally impossible, so she had to use other methods.
    • Alice knows that Bob knows her preferences, and some of the guards in the northern wing were reported by Charlie to meet those criteria, so she felt the need to avoid Accidental Innuendo.
  • Inverted: Nobody asked Alice how she got there, but she says, "Let's just say I get around" anyway, even though it would make more sense for her to say something different.
  • Subverted:
    • "Let's just say I hacked the—-I mean I get around."
    • It turns out that it was Carol disguised as Alice.
    • It turns out that Alice only said that because she couldn't remember her catchphrase.
  • Double Subverted:
    • "Let's just say I hacked the—-I mean I get—-I mean I hacked the security system."
    • But then Alice comes, Bob manages to Spot the Imposter then asks Alice how she managed to arrive. Alice replies with, "Let's just say I... was dropped off by Dave."
    • She was lying or kidding about having forgotten the catchphrase.
  • Parodied: "Let's just say I... um, forgot what I'm supposed to say here."
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • "Let's just say I hacked the—-I mean I get—-I mean I hacked the security system, but also, I get around."
    • This happens:
      Bob: "How did you get here?"
      Alice: "Let's just say I hacked the security system."
      Bob: "What?! Normally you say, 'Let's just say I get around.'! I don't even know why I bothered to ask."
      Alice: "I forgot my catchphrase."
      Bob: "Really?!"
      Alice: "Nah"
      Second Alice: "That's my clone!" (Alice's clone runs away)
      Bob: "How did you get here?"
      Alice: "Let's just say I was dropped off by Dave, and also I get around."
  • Averted:
    • Alice doesn't have a catchphrase.
    • Alice says her catchphrase normally.
  • Enforced:
    • The writers wanted a joke and believe the idea that "unexpected" equals funny.
    • The Moral Guardians would have a major fit if Alice used her catch phrase in this locale, never mind the fact that no one with an IQ above 20 would mistake it for meaning Really Gets Around.
  • Lampshaded: "I thought you were going to say, 'I get around.'"
  • Invoked: Dave forbids Alice from saying her catchphrase.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Alice decides that she'll always respond with her catchphrase when asked how she arrived anywhere.
  • Discussed: "And she always says, 'Let's just say I get around.' What if she said something else instead?"
  • Conversed: "That's odd. The character didn't say her catchphrase."
  • Implied: ???
  • Played for Laughs: Alice says a variety of these because she made a bet to go without saying her catchphrase. She acts hilariously awkward trying not to say her catchphrase and seems relieved when she can finally say it again.
  • Played for Drama: Alice had some sort of emotional crisis and feels her catchphrase doesn't suit her anymore.

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