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Playing With / Ridiculously Cute Critter

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Basic Trope: A creature is insanely cute, even in ways that wouldn't be possible in the real world.

  • Straight: Alice's puppy is incredibly cute, with big eyes, a fluffy body, and a large head in proportions to the rest of its body.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice's pet isn't even an identifiable animal, but whatever it is, it sure is cute.
    • Alice's puppy is a comically fluffy blob with tiny legs and big droopy ears.
    • All animals in the work are incredibly cute.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice's puppy has a pretty big head, but otherwise looks normal.
    • Alice's puppy just has a simplistic looking face, with is jarring compared to other dogs.
  • Enforced:
    • Rule of Cute.
    • Alice's puppy was a result of the character designer designing for the heaps of merchandise it will get.
  • Justified:
    • Alice's pet was genetically engineered specifically to look as adorable as possible to humans.
    • The artstyle in the series Alice is in reflects this, so her pet looks normal to the surroundings.
  • Subverted: Alice's puppy is cute on the surface, but is actually a part of a horrifying alien race.
  • Double Subverted: It's still pretty stinkin' cute anyway, plus it's quite kind to Alice despite its race being known for violence.
  • Parodied: Alice's puppy is impossibly cute by design, but biologically it requires ridiculous amounts of care and an odd diet consisting of raw flesh.
  • Lampshaded:
    Bob: How is it even biologically possible for a dog to be this cute?
    Alice: I don't know, but who cares?
  • Exploited: Alice's puppy is secretly badass and uses its cuteness to make bad guys let their guards down, and totally kicks their asses!
  • Defied: The very instance Alice's puppy even appears on screen, it is swiftly Ret-Gone.

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