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Playing With / Oh, Crap!

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Basic Trope: A character realizes that they are in deep trouble.

  • Straight: Seymour sees Bob coming towards him to beat him up and widens his eyes in fright, stepping back in fear.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified: Seymour was previously established to be overconfident and unable to handle a potential failure very well. And Bob is known not to be very merciful to his enemies.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Seymour looks panicky, but then reveals that he was faking it. He then dispatches Bob in a cloud of dust.
    • Seymour realizes he's about to die, and his eyes widen...then he breaks into a sad chuckle and stands resolute.
  • Double Subverted: Bob emerges from the cloud of dust completely unharmed and Seymour's reaction is genuine this time.
  • Parodied: Seymour becomes so frightened that he explodes before Bob gets to dish out punishment.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Seymour is repeatedly put into this position, but at some moments he/she weathers the worst punishment without so much as a whimper, yet at other times is frightened out of his wits.
    • Seymour looks panicky, but then reveals that he was faking it. He then dispatches Bob in a cloud of dust. Then Bob comes out from the cloud of dust and Seymour's reaction is genuine this time. Or was it? Seymour's expression relaxes as he dispatches Bob again, in Ludicrous Gibs. But Bob can heal From a Single Cell, and Seymour's expression is totally genuine this time... Rinse and repeat.
  • Averted: Seymour is never in an Oh, Crap! position, or doesn't react to the beatdown.
  • Enforced: "Let's have Seymour swear when he realizes that Bob's about to beat him to a pulp - the audience will want to see the grin wiped off his face at some point."
  • Lampshaded: Seymour says; "I think this is the part when I say Oh, Crap!."
  • Invoked: A Genre Savvy Character disables Seymour and invites Bob over to sort him out.
  • Exploited: A Genre Savvy deputy to Seymour uses his reaction as a cue to beat it.
  • Defied: Seymour is embarrassed by the thought of being put into an Oh, Crap! situation and rearranges matters to prevent himself from ever falling into danger at Bob's hands.
  • Discussed: The deputy talks about Seymour's last Oh, Crap! moment and Seymour tells him to shut up.
  • Conversed: "Look at Seymour's expression. He knows that he's in for a beatdown."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob is disturbed by how frightened Seymour seems to be and realizes that he is still human that feels fear, even if he's a jerk.
    • Seymour's surprise sets him off-guard and leads to his defeat.
  • Reconstructed: Bob offers the frightened Seymour a second chance. Ideally, Seymour leaps at the chance and learns An Aesop.
  • Played For Laughs: Seymour delivers his Oh, Crap! reaction in the most deadpan manner possible.

No wait, don't go back there! ... Oh, Crap!!
