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Playing With / Nobody Poops

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Basic Trope: Bathroom usage is not dealt with in-story.

  • Straight: During the course of the series, no mention is made of a character using the bathroom.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: No mention is made, but bathrooms are clearly marked, extras are seen walking in and out of them, and a main character can be seen with toilet paper.
  • Justified:
    • Bathrooms and related bodily functions are not relevant to the story.
    • The characters are Starfish Aliens or Fair Folk who do not excrete bodily waste as we do.
    • The story covers a short enough time period that no one should need a bathroom break.
    • The characters only go to the bathroom offscreen.
    • Gastrointestinal surgery requires that little to no (semi-)solids flow through the bowels during the surgery, so the main character has been on a diet that is fully digested in the stomach.
  • Inverted:
    • A character is shown explicitly taking a dump mid-story.
    • All characters use the bathroom more often than people do in real life.
    • The show is about using the bathroom.
    • Toilet Humour
    • All the characters use the bathroom, even plants/machines.
    • It's a Gross-Out Show with poop and pee in it.
  • Subverted:
    • A bathroom is seen.
    • Lance walks out of the bathroom with a satisfied look on his face.
    • Most characters wear Power Armor, and a Freeze-Frame Bonus of the Power Armor specs include a mention of "built-in waste-disposal system", another Freeze-Frame Bonus in The Shrink's office includes a note on reacclimating returning soldiers to actually using the bathroom, implying Power Armor clad soldiers just "take care of business" as they go and that a side effect of long-lasting missions is soiled pants for a while.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But no one is seen using it.
    • But we never saw what he actually did in there; for all we know, he just washed slime off his hands.
    • Or the satisfied look on his face is the result of getting some action in the bathroom with a Love Interest...or himself.
  • Parodied:
    • Everyone suffers from constipation. note 
    • Nobody excretes any kind of waste, not even so much as carbon dioxide.
    • Since nobody poops, nobody knows what poop is or what toilets are for.
    • In a World… without toilets, one man must suddenly confront a Potty Emergency.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Characters are seen using bathrooms regularly, and it is occasionally a major plot point.
  • Enforced: Let's face it: do we really want to see people doing gross bodily functions that eat up major plot time?
  • Lampshaded: "Why do we have a toilet anyway?"
  • Invoked:
  • Exploited: Since nobody poops, the characters have more time to do things that would have otherwise been wasted by bathroom breaks, they also have less chance on missing out on things, and they can have babies without having to resort to The Diaper Change. And nobody has to worry that pools are contaminated by people Putting the Pee in Pool, because they don't pee!
  • Defied: A character gets up, grabs the Daily Tribune, and heads to the bathroom.
  • Discussed: "Hey, don't we ever stop for a bathroom break?" "We just never seem to need to."
  • Conversed: "How come people on TV don't use the bathroom?" "They must do it off screen."
  • Deconstructed: Not pooping or peeing turns out to be a symptom of some sort of disease.
  • Reconstructed: Humanity has evolved past the needs for digestive and urinary systems, and therefore, don't have any reason to use bathrooms.
  • Played For Laughs: In a Deconstructive Parody, Potty Failure ensues.
  • Played For Drama: The Hero dies because he never used the toilet.

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