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Playing With / No Dress Code

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Basic Trope: Characters can walk around in whatever revealing outfits they want in High School.

  • Straight: At Troper High, Alice wears underwear as outerwear.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice can, and always does, go around naked at Troper High.
    • Everyone at the school wears revealing outfits just because they can.
    • Students are required to attend naked.
    • Teachers are required to attend naked.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • The principal and teachers want to seem cool, so they let the students wear whatever they want.
    • Because freedom of expression is sufficiently advanced, stricter dress codes are unenforceable.
  • Inverted:
    • Everyone at Troper High must wear modest school uniforms.
    • At Troper High, all body parts must be all covered up in clothes, including the head, eyes, and ears.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice is reprimanded because of her outfit.
    • Alice is naked at school for some reason, which turns out to be because she's a Reluctant Fanservice Girl who got nudity as a punishment.
    • Alice is streaking.
    • Alice is not a student, but a celebrity former alumnus.
    • Alice is not a student, but a random woman who decides to streak.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Alice wasn't really reprimanded because of her outfit. She was late for the class.
    • Eventually Alice and/or other people forget that her nudity was not something she wanted, or it turns out the punishment story was a lie.
    • Later, she enroll as an teacher of this school.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Alice thinks she's being reprimanded because of her outfit, then the teacher clarifies that it was because she was late to class. As she goes to sit down, the teacher says, "Tomorrow, be on time and cover your breasts fully."
    • Alice spends a few days at school in the nude, then the administrators order her to dress modestly, then they let her wear casual outfits, then they let her go back to being nude.
    • Alice's acceptance of her nudity rises and falls.
    • Troper High nominally requires school uniforms, but for whatever reason, there is Selective Enforcement of it, with Alice and Bob being made to wear the uniform, Amy and Ben getting to go naked, and Adam and Betty having to wear clothes but not the uniform.
    • Some teachers are OK with whatever students want to wear, while others rebuke them for wearing too little.
  • Parodied: The school requires all the boys to wear modest school uniforms, but all the girls are required to come to school naked for some reason.
  • Averted: Alice wears plain t-shirt and non-ripped skinny jeans trousers, her everyday casual outfits that neither too revealing nor too modest for school.
  • Lampshaded: "Because of the recent court ruling that uniforms in public schools are a violation of the right to freedom of expression, we are now allowing you to wear whatever you like … and trusting you to mind your own conduct."
  • Invoked: Ms. McCool replaces Mr. Square as principal of Troper High, and her first order of business is to loosen the dress code.
  • Exploited:
    • Troper High repeals its dress code as a Secret Test of Character to see which students are still willing to play by the social rules to get recommendations to the most prestigious universities and colleges.
    • Lusting after Alice and knowing that she’s a proud nudist, Mr. Perv loosens the dress code.
    • Alice and Brittany make a bet, the loser having to come to school naked everyday for the rest of the year.
  • Defied: Mr. Square replaces Ms. McCool as principal of Troper High, and his first order of business is to tighten the dress code.
  • Discussed:
    Alice: So, they say we can wear whatever we want now. I think I'll test that a bit.
    Bob: Are you gonna be naked?
    Alice: Just wait and see.
    Bob: In other words, yes.
  • Conversed: "Sheesh! These TV students are so shameless. If my kid went to school naked, they'd be suspended or expelled so quickly they'd think they were in a time warp."
  • Deconstructed: A superintendent visits the school and sees most of the girls wearing revealing clothes — and Alice wearing no clothes — shows them that the faculty are too lax when it comes to enforcing rules. Teachers are reprimanded or fired and a strict dress code is enforced on the entire student body.
  • Reconstructed: The students challenge the policy and the dress code is made more liberal across the entire school board on freedom of expression grounds.
  • Implied:
    • Alice is a high school student who is never actually seen at school, but she has nothing remotely modest in her wardrobe.
    • Alice goes to Troper High one day and the camera conveniently shows her only from the base of her neck up, but Reaction Shots from onlookers suggest that she's less-well-dressed than she is expected to be.
    • Alice is naked in her yearbook photo.
    • Alice is seen naked in school in a few photos, but only with her boyfriend and her few close friends beside her. Whether the teachers and other students are aware of her nudity is unknown.
  • Played for Laughs:
  • Played for Drama:
    • Hollywood Pudgy Alice is body-shamed for doing what Troper High lets her do and wearing revealing clothing.
    • Alice’s classmates force her to go to school naked everyday by viciously bullying her whenever she comes to school clothed.
    • Alice’s teacher forces her to go to school naked by threatening to reveal her drug dealing, along with other Sexual Extortion.
    • The revealing outfits at Troper High make new students feel uncomfortable.
  • Played for Horror:
    • Alice has a tattoo and/or certain body parts that is Nightmare Fuel for everyone who sees it, and when she goes to school naked, she scares everyone else.
    • The school is a front for a sex trafficking ring.
    • Mr. Perv forces female students to attend school naked while letting boys wear uniforms, and encourages the boys to harass and assault the girls and take photos and videos of them and upload them online.

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