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Playing With / Lingerie Scene

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Basic Trope: A character (usually female) is shown wearing only their underwear.

  • Straight: Alice is hanging around wearing only a Black Bra and Panties.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice is only ever seen in her underwear.
    • Every character is only ever seen in their underwear.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice is a Tomboy whose underwear consist of Modesty Shorts and a sports bra or even a tank top.
    • Alice wears a full-length nightgown that covers more than most outerwear.
    • Alice is wearing a combination of more modest clothing and her underwear, such as a bra with jeans, or an oversized t-shirt with panties.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is trying to seduce Bob.
    • Alice was walked in on while she was changing.
    • The work is pornographic, or Alice is a sex worker/stripper/camgirl In-Universe.
    • Alice is working as a model for an art class.
    • Alice has to undress for a medical examination.
    • The work tries to portray Alice as a realistic person, and that sometimes includes showing her in states of undress.
  • Inverted: Vapor Wear - Alice is fully clothed but wears no underwear.
  • Gender Inverted: Bob is shown wearing only his underwear.
  • Subverted: Alice is wearing nothing but her underwear, but since the story is a First Person Narrative that's shown through her eyes, the audience doesn't see it.
  • Double Subverted: (Continued from Subverted 1) Alice then looks in the mirror, giving the audience a proper look at her.
  • Parodied: Alice is wearing several layers of underwear, but no real outerwear. This is nevertheless enough to cover her up.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice is trying out new clothes, and every time she starts taking something off, Sexy Discretion Shot ensues. However, the viewpoint always changes to her friend in the next room and she's wearing Barely-There Swimwear for unexplained reasons.
  • Averted: Alice (or anyone else) is never shown in just their underwear.
  • Enforced:
    • Most Writers Are Male
    • "The audience consists mostly of straight males. You should probably capitalize on that."
    • "I want to show Alice's home life, and make it as realistic as possible. But the censors probably won't allow actual nudity, so the next best thing is to give her underwear and act like she's naked.
  • Lampshdaded: "Does that girl ever wear outerwear?"
  • Exploited: Alice strips down to her underwear to distract the Villain of the Week.
  • Defied: "I'm not coming out of here until I'm properly dressed, capiche?"
  • Discussed: "Hey Bob... I'm going to Slip into Something More Comfortable."
  • Conversed: "Yeah, the show's really gone downhill lately. Almost every episode has a gratuitous Lingerie Scene now."
  • Implied: "Sorry I walked in on you while you were changing, Alice. I didn't know you were home."
  • Deconstructed: Alice has No Social Skills but craves to be noticed, and so hangs around the apartment wearing only her underwear in an attempt to get her roommate to notice her.
  • Reconstructed: Her roommate decides to Ignore the Fanservice, and Alice starts becoming more desperate. Her roommate now takes notice of her behaviour instead of her lack of clothing, and asks if she's feeling okay. Alice starts feeling better now that someone actually listens to her, and they become close friends.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice keeps asking the director when she should take off her clothes, and he keeps responding that she doesn't even have a Lingerie Scene in the film.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Alice is under Go-Go Enslavement, and her lack of clothes is not played for Fanservice but to remind how sleazy the villain is.
    • Alice's ex-girlfriend Marcie starts spreading revenge porn of Alice that she captured with a hidden camera.
  • Played For Horror: While browsing a porn site, Alice finds some underwear pictures of herself. She did not take them.

Can we go back to the Lingerie Scene? I'd like to screenshot it for, uh, studying. Yeah.
