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Playing With / "I Can't Look!" Gesture

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Basic Trope: A character makes a motion to avoid seeing something unpleasant which causes fear or anguish.

  • Straight: Bob shuts his eyes to avoid seeing Alice being attacked by a monster.
  • Exaggerated: Bob gouges out his eyes to avoid Alice seeing being attacked by a monster.
  • Downplayed: Bob shuts one eye to avoid seeing Alice being attacked by a monster.
  • Justified: Bob loves Alice and doesn't want to see her get hurt.
  • Inverted: Bob opens his eyes wide to watch the attack.
  • Subverted: Bob shuts his eyes to avoid seeing the attack...but then opens them again.
  • Double Subverted:...But then decides he can't watch, and closes them again.
  • Parodied: Bob shuts his eyes to keep from seeing Alice taking the last cookie from the plate.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Bob watches Alice being attacked by a monster normally.
  • Enforced: The camera work is from Bob's point of view, and the executives use Bob shutting his eyes to have Gory Discretion Shots whenever the story gets too violent.
  • Lampshaded: "This is too horrible; I just can't look!"
  • Invoked: Emperor Evulz tells the monster to attack Alice so harshly Bob cannot possibly watch.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz had intended to kill Alice, but at the last minute, he realizes she has the MacGuffin. Bob having his eyes shut means Emperor Evulz can carry her off without him seeing.
  • Defied: Emperor Evulz keeps Bob from closing his eyes or looking away.
  • Discussed: "He must really care about me since he didn't want to see me get harmed!"
  • Conversed: "You know, characters in movies always seem to shut their eyes when something bad happens."

Oh my god, this is terrible! I cannot look at how they're torturing the "I Can't Look!" Gesture!
