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Playing With / Hyper-Competent Sidekick

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Basic Trope: The hero is actually incompetent while the Side Kick is the one who does most of the work.

  • Straight: Bob is a bumbling detective who has a young partner; Alice, who actually solves most of the cases.
  • Exaggerated: Bob is nigh brain-dead while Alice is an ultra-intelligent genius.
  • Downplayed: Bob is smart in his own right but has Alice along because she has a particular set of skills that he has need for from time to time.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is really just an actor who looks good for the public and takes credit while his "secretary", Alice, is the real detective and prefers to remain anonymous so that she can solve crimes more easily.
    • Alice is by no means an attention seeker, and doesn't mind being the "sidekick" so long as the job gets done.
    • Alice, being as young as she is, would never be taken seriously as a detective, while Bob would be, so she uses Bob to help herself get assigned to cases.
    • Alice is some form of strange being, either being an enhanced human or some mythical creature or even a human in odd circumstances, and thus cannot risk being the center of attention for some reason. Bob getting all the credit means nobody looks too much into Alice.
    • Bob looks better for the cameras, so everybody assumes the more photogenic one is the real hero, so people consult Bob about detective work, while Alice is assumed to simply be somebody on the side who helps out.
    • Alice is competent in a lot of things, but she still needs education on some of the things required of a self-sufficient hero, which Bob is providing so that he'll finally be able to retire.
  • Inverted: Bumbling Sidekick
  • Subverted: Alice does not appear to be very smart while Bob is the hero solving all the crimes.
  • Double Subverted: Alice is actually an idiot savant who has an extremely good knack for problem solving, making her an asset to Bob.
  • Parodied: Bob is The Ditz who sometimes even forgets to breathe and doesn't even realize that Alice is the one solving all the crimes.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob appears to not be nearly as smart as Alice who seemingly solves the crimes for him. It turns out, Bob is Alice's eccentric instructor who is training Alice by appearing to know nothing so that she can take charge. Eventually, Alice becomes a better detective than even Bob.
  • Averted: Bob solves all the crime and Alice simply helps out when she can.
  • Enforced: The writers decide to flip the hero/sidekick dynamic around for a change.
  • Lampshaded: "Sometimes I wonder why I let myself be the sidekick."
  • Invoked:
    • Bob wants to start a detective agency but isn't all that good at detective work so he hires Alice, who has been a police detective for years and is actually much more skilled.
    • Alice is The Man Behind the Man and has Bob as a "puppet detective" so that she can work unopposed.
  • Exploited: Bob is just a Guile Hero who is good at suckering other people into doing things for him. Case in point: Alice, a sweet, easily manipulated girl who just so happens to be good at detective work, martial arts, weapons, etc.
  • Defied: Alice believes she is the competent one but really, Bob is every bit the hero he appears to be.
  • Discussed: "Bob is the leader but really, Alice is the one doing all the work."
  • Conversed: "In this series, the sidekick is the real hero!"
  • Implied: Detective Bob arrives on the scene along with his partner Alice. He doesn't seem to be able to figure out the mystery unless Alice makes various remarks about the crimescene that gives him the proper "Eureka!" Moment when he needs one.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played For Laughs: Bob constantly bumbles his way through crime scenes while Alice rolls her eyes and solves the mysteries for him.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Alice has a friend named Bob who is mentally handicapped but always wanted to be a detective. She pretends to be his sidekick and guides him through each mystery while he "solves" crimes.
    • Things are going to get really ugly and will stay ugly for a long while once someone figures out that Alice is the one pulling all the weight.

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