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Playing With / Giving Them the Strip

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Basic Trope: A character gets trapped by a piece of their clothing and can't escape without removing the garment and leaving it behind.

  • Straight:
    • Alice gets her jacket caught on a spike while trying to run from a bloodthirsty maniac, forcing her to slip out of her jacket to avoid getting cornered and killed by the lunatic.
    • Alice steps in a puddle of glue left as a trap and gets stuck, so she takes off her shoes and escapes barefoot.
  • Exaggerated: Alice constantly gets pieces of her clothing caught on stuff and keeps disrobing until she's naked by the time she's out of danger.
  • Downplayed:
    • After getting out of danger, Alice reclaims the piece of clothing she removed.
    • Rather than completely remove and abandon the garment, Alice tears off the portion of the garment that got stuck.
  • Justified: Alice can always replace any clothing she has to leave behind, and leaving clothing behind to avoid certain doom is clearly a better option than staying where she is until her fate is sealed.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice is trapped when someone puts a jacket on her and attaches the jacket to the wall.
    • A naked Alice is caught in a trap with a mechanism or substance that sticks specifically to her skin and holds her in place. For the next time she finds herself in the area, she's clothed so it can't adhere to her.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice considers taking her jacket off to flee, but her jacket manages to come loose from what it got caught on anyway.
    • Alice takes off her jacket to flee, but her pursuer grabs her by her pants instead.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Alice gets stuck again when she runs in the bushes and her pants get caught on thorns, forcing her to remove some clothing to escape after all.
    • After a split second of indecision, Alice takes off her pants as well and escapes.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice manages to slip out of her entire wardrobe, leaving the villain confused by holding a pile of clothes while Alice runs off in her underwear.
    • Alice gets stuck to something by her scarf, and as a result she ... strips naked and takes off everything but her scarf, leaving her still trapped.
    • Alice ends up completely naked through this method. She finally returns home and ends up in a Birthday Suit Surprise Party.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Alice repeatedly gets her clothes caught on things, has difficulty deciding whether she should go through with removing her clothes to escape and every other occasion she's trapped by her clothes, she finds another means of escape that doesn't require disrobing.
    • Alice's pursuer grabs her by various garments and she takes them off to escape, one by one, until she's nude.
  • Averted:
    • Alice doesn't get her clothes caught on anything.
    • Alice is never chased.
    • Alice, being a Shameless Fanservice Girl, is always nude in the first place.
  • Enforced: Having a character undress to avoid getting hurt or killed can be done for Fanservice, Rule of Funny, or both.
  • Lampshaded: "I hope I don't have to remove too much of my apparel when I get caught into traps. I'd be very embarrassed to have to get out of this place in just my underwear ... or even less than that!"
  • Invoked: Bob points out to Alice that while removing her clothes to escape is humiliating, it's better than letting herself die for the sake of modesty.
  • Exploited:
    • The villain is a pervert who arranges for Alice to get her clothes caught on things to manipulate Alice into undressing.
    • Alice finds it a good opportunity to get rid of her Homemade Sweater from Hell without hurting her grandmother’s feelings.
  • Defied:
    • "I don't care if it's my only way out of this alive. I'd rather die with dignity than traipse around with no pants on!"
    • Alice's pursuer is just so strong that they can hold her even when she's nude.
  • Discussed: "Uh-oh, the Serial Killer's after me. I hope all I have to do to get away if he grabs me is slipping out of my jacket."
  • Conversed: "What do you think would be the odds that Alice escapes the next trap she gets into by taking off her pants?"
  • Implied: Alice is missing an article of clothing in her next scene and explains that taking the piece of clothing off was her only option for survival.
  • Deconstructed: Sure, Alice has avoided a gruesome fate by removing her clothes, but she's now more vulnerable than ever since she lacks a means of protection.
  • Reconstructed: Alice avoids direct confrontation until she can find some coverings she can use to protect herself from harm.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice intentionally gets her clothes caught on stuff just so she'd have an excuse to remove her clothes and leave them behind.
  • Played for Drama: Alice becomes a pariah because civilians assume that she's an exhibitionist and refuse to listen to her defense that she had to sacrifice her clothes to avoid getting killed.
  • Played for Horror: Being bare naked in a setting where everything is already trying to kill her enhances Alice's sheer fear.

Take off your jacket to flee to Giving Them the Strip.
