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Playing With / Giftedly Bad

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Basic Trope: A bad artist thinks they're good.

  • Straight: Alice thinks her art is good while she is actually bad.
  • Exaggerated: Alice thinks she's a modern-age female Leonardo Da Vinci, while her art looks like a literal baby made it.
  • Downplayed: Alice is best suited to cartooning or commercial art, but believes herself to have the potential for fine art.
  • Justified: Alice has an extremely large ego.
  • Inverted: Alice thinks her art is horrible, despite it being really, really good.
  • Subverted: Alice thinks her art is good, and it actually is...
  • Double Subverted: ...She was fishing for compliments. She also stole said good art.
  • Parodied: Alice's best art were scribbles with crayons, yet she sees herself as the best artist of all time.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice's art quality varies, along with her ego's size.
  • Averted: Alice doesn’t have an opinion either way.
  • Enforced: The author is ridiculing Andy Warhol's style through Alice.
  • Lampshaded: "Have you seen Alice's art? If not, she thinks her art is the best, while it's actually horrible."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Bob convinces Alice to draw him something, then Bob publish it on the Internet so it can be mass-mocked.
  • Defied: Alice looks for other hobbies (either with or without advice from others) and discovers something that she is much better at, such as music, computer coding or embroidery.
  • Discussed: 'I'm not one of those idiots who thinks their bad art is amazing. I just enjoy making it!'
  • Conversed: 'No-one in real life could be that mistaken about their art!'
  • Deconstructed: Even with all the passion and drive Alice pursues her art and the high regard she holds her art in, eventually everyone's negative reactions wears down her esteem and makes her depressed. Moreover, Alice's melancholy deepens as she slowly begins to realize that her artwork truly is bad and she has no talent for art. She eventually gives up on art.
  • Reconstructed: With the realization that she isn't so cut out as an artist, she still continues with her art, and enrolls in an art school to study to make better art.

Back to Giftedly Bad, but beware. The main page's art is more horrible than it thinks it is.
