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Playing With / First-Episode Resurrection

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Basic Trope: Character's arc starts with them dying and coming back to life.

  • Straight: The series starts with Alice being shot and then brought back to life by Bob the Wizard.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Every episode of the show starts with Alice dying and Bob bringing her back.
    • The series begins with Bob bringing everyone back to life.
  • Downplayed: The series starts with Alice being gravely wounded and Bob healing her.
  • Justified: Bob wants a henchperson with superpowers that can be only obtained by being resurrected, so he uses to opportunity to gain one when he sees Alice dying.
  • Inverted: The show ends with Alice getting killed and coming back to life.
  • Subverted: Alice thinks she came back to life, but in fact, she has actually woken up in the Mundane Afterlife, as she finds out soon thereafter.
  • Double Subverted: Turns out that it was her confusion and panic at dying and waking up that made her think she's in the Limbo, while in fact she did indeed come back to life.
  • Parodied: Alice starts the show dying in some Black Comedy-worthy way. Narrating, she says "obviously, I couldn't bear my life end in such an utterly stupid way" and her ghost comes to Bob to demand bringing her back.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Alice stays dead, and in fact, "Whodunnit" is the Driving Question of the series.
    • Universe's rules prevent resurrection.
  • Enforced: The writers decide to kill Alice and bring her back in the pilot episode to hook the viewers on the show and introduce the basic rules through Bob.
  • Lampshaded: "And so, as I died and returned to life, my story has begun."
  • Invoked: Bob kills Alice to bring her back to life with nifty powers.
  • Exploited: Bob plays up the "I brought you back to life" part to secure Alice's loyalty.
  • Defied: Rival sorcerer Charlie captures Alice's soul so that she may not resurrect.
  • Discussed: The very first scene of the show has Alice and her Cloudcuckoolander friend Dana go into a dark alley.
    Alice: I don't like this alley. Looks like we could get shot here.
    Dana: Oh, don't worry! Maybe we'd come back to life and start an amazing life of adventure?
  • Conversed: Alice and Dana are watching a TV Series.
    Alice: Well, she's dead. Enter the real hero of the show.
    Dana: No, didn't you read the premise? It's all about her coming back to life!
  • Implied: Alice mentions off-handedly that she had died a few hours back. Asked how she's still there, she shrugs and says "I got better".
  • Deconstructed: Having been dead for several days, Alice should now face a problem of being a medical sensation, a person dead by law, and of course her terrified relatives and people confident she's the first sign of an incoming zombie apocalypse.
  • Reconstructed: In the end, Alice ditches her old identity and disappears to use her new life in a new way.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: The deconstruction of this trope is the main premise of the series.
  • Played For Laughs: The show's very first scene is Alice getting shot and her reaction is "not again." The episode ends with her dying yet again, to the same exasperated reaction.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Alice dying by bullet to the head leads to psychological and neurological damage to her reborn self, which leads to a whole plethora of problems.
    • Alice's resurrection is the first sign that The Magic Comes Back.

This way for the First-Episode Resurrection.
