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Playing With / Everyone Is a Super

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Basic Trope: The setting or a large part of it has average civilians and bystanders with superhuman powers.

  • Straight: Everyone in the land of Grandar has some superhuman power.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Everyone in Grandar has slightly enhanced senses.
    • Everyone in Grandar is 15% stronger than they would be if they were average humans.
    • Everyone in Grandar is Made of Iron.
  • Justified:
    • Grandar is where superheroes are hiding after Emperor Evulz took over the world and tried to wipe out all other superpowered people for total undisputed domination.
    • Grandar is the site of an ancient blood ritual that spread massive amounts of mana across the land.
    • The superpowers are an inherent result of Grandarian biology.
    • A Mass Super-Empowering Event has struck Grandar.
    • Augmentation is extremely common if not mandatory among Grandarians.
  • Inverted: A town of animals that are below human strength. Humans Are Cthulhu here.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: When The Legions of Hell finally do come, Grandar's population has hidden powers awaken.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Everyone in Grandar has superpowers, except for the Un-Sorcerer. However, on a full moon, he absorbs everyone else's power.
  • Averted: Grandar has a completely normal population.
  • Enforced:
  • Exploited: The main protagonists trick Emperor Evulz to start his conquest in Grandar first, before he has gathered lots of resources.
  • Discussed: "Why hasn't Grandar taken over the world yet?"
  • Conversed: "As a comic reader, this land is my dream."
  • Played for Laughs: When someone from Grandar goes on vacation and leaves, they forget how weak people outside Grandar are and unintentionally cause them Amusing Injuries.
  • Played for Drama: Grandar has a rigid caste system depending on their superpower.

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