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Playing With / Even the Guys Want Him

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Basic Trope: A man to whom both women and other men are attracted, even if those men are straight.

  • Straight: Some guys admit they like Pretty Boy Bob.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob attracts not just some, but all of the male population.
    • Bob has the power and good looks to make straight men gay and lesbians straight.
  • Downplayed: One normally straight guy likes Bob. If It's You, It's Okay
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted: Even the Girls Want Her.
  • Subverted: There are a few guys who seem to like Bob, but then they assure everyone they don't.
  • Double Subverted: …but once they realize there are a several of them—none of them are the only one—they admit they were lying: They really do like Bob.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob walks down the street, and every single guy Bob passes looks up and lovingly stares.
    • Charlie is in the middle of an Anguished Declaration of Love toward his girlfriend Alice... until Bob walks by, and Charlie completely forgets about her.
  • Zig Zagged: The work takes place in an Everyone Is Bi world.
  • Averted: Bob only attracts the women.
  • Enforced: The Powers That Be want to include Guy on Guy Is Hot fanservice without including any gay characters, so they portray other men hitting on Bob as a sign of his sheer appeal, and not saying anything about the characters' sexualities.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "I thought you were straight, Charles."
    • "I can't help that I even give other guys boners."
  • Invoked: Bob has a lot of male fans, really likes the attention, and tries to get even more attention from them: "Well, I know you guys are my biggest fans... but suppose you really like me, I mean like-like me..."
  • Exploited: Bob tries to manipulate his male admirers to get him things he wants.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed:
    • "I wonder what it's like to be that guy who makes every other guy question their sexuality."
    • [from a female character] "Bob is so hot, I bet you boys want to do him too."
  • Conversed: "I'm expecting that in the next episode, Bob will break up with Alice and try to get a date with Charles... as well as the other men."
  • Implied: Bob has lots of Ho Yay with men, but none actually admit to liking him.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
    • Bob tells the other guys that it's not his fault they find him attractive, so he's not the reason they feel insecure about themselves sexually. He's not going to change for anyone, whether to win them over or scare them off.

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