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Playing With / Eloquent in My Native Tongue

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Basic Trope: They don't sound too intelligent in a foreign tongue, but they sound very smart when speaking their native language.

  • Straight: Senko can't really speak good English, almost using Hulk Speak at times. However, in Japanese, he's always speaking with formal keigo.
  • Exaggerated: Senko practically borders on The Unintelligible with his English. However, he can pull off all kinds of Japanese dialects, like the Kansai, the Kanto, the Tohoku etc.
  • Downplayed: Senko has a bit of a grasp on English, though it's more of Engrish, and speaks with the Kanto accent and with politeness in Japanese.
  • Justified: Senko didn't have English in school, but had loads and loads of time studying Japanese to know keigo.
  • Inverted: Senko speaks English with Big Words and a Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness, having an air of intellect, honor, and venerability, but the very instant he starts speaking Japanese, he can only speak in the Kansai dialect (and it's a pretty broken Kansai-ben too), coming off to his own people as The Idiot from Osaka.
  • Subverted: Turns out that he can't speak Japanese very well either.
  • Double Subverted: He can speak Korean, which is revealed to be his real native language.
  • Parodied: Senko simply doesn't even speak English. However, he can speak Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and basically all Asian Languages. Just not any European / African / American languages.
  • Zig-Zagged: Depending on the Writer, Senko's fluency in Japanese and English fluctuate between each episode.
  • Averted: Senko has a good balance between English and Japanese.
  • Enforced: The Creators want to show that Senko isn't Dumb Muscle and use this trope in order to flesh him out more.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, you're really good at your own language!"
  • Invoked: Senko is taught to speak only the bare minimum of English fluency yet a complete vocabulary of Japanese to get him to flaunt over others by being able to use a lot of Foreign Cuss Words to insult them.
  • Exploited: Senko can slip in a few Foreign Cuss Words to insult people without letting them know what they mean.
  • Defied: Senko is taught a complete vocabulary of both Japanese and English in order to not bungle up his conversations with foreigners.
  • Discussed: Bob and his buddy Lance are seen talking in a bar. This is their topic:
    Bob: I've heard that Senko is treated like high class in Japan even though his English is shit. Why's that?
    Lance Probably because he's so respectable to them when he speaks. Who knows, maybe he's actually a genius despite sounding like a fucking meathead.
  • Conversed: "Kinda wonder how he's capable of speaking perfect Japanese yet can't even speak good English."
  • Implied: Senko isn't said to speak much, but people who are studying his language are sure as hell that they can learn a whole lot from him.
  • Deconstructed: Senko is already going through rough language barriers, and while he's only understandable with his English (only that it's heavily accented), having others try to speak his language and fail horribly frustrates him.
  • Reconstructed: ...Which is why he takes extra time trying to teach his language to others.

Errr... Purease visit se main page, sank you. Ugh, very terrible... Ah, forget it.

ぜひ、完全版 をご覧ください。 どうもありがとうございます。
