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Playing With / Earthquake Machine

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Basic Trope: A machine that causes earthquakes.

  • Straight: Doctor Destruction, a Mad Scientist, activates his machine that causes earthquakes in his country.
  • Exaggerated: Doctor Destruction activates the machine, and the entire universe has a violent earthquake that every planet falls apart.
  • Downplayed: Doctor Destruction activates the machine, and it causes a light earthquake in his lab.
  • Justified: Doctor Destruction wants to use the machine on Bob's hometown to cause misery and despair.
  • Inverted: Doctor Destruction activates the machine, and everyone in the country starts to shake violently, while everything around them continues to stay still.
  • Subverted: Doctor Destruction activates the machine, and an earthquake happens. Turns out it was just a natural earthquake.
  • Double Subverted: However, the machine was delayed by a minute. The machine then causes an earthquake that's not natural this time.
  • Parodied: Doctor Destruction activates the machine, and then a brainwashed God starts to shake the Earth like a snow globe.
  • Zig-Zagged: Doctor Destruction activates the machine, and an earthquake happens. Turns out it was just a natural earthquake. However, the machine was delayed by a minute. The machine then causes an earthquake that's not natural this time. But then it's revealed that the machine was broken and the earthquake was actually natural. Later, Doctor Evulz, another Mad Scientist activates a machine that causes everyone around him to shake violently.
  • Averted: Doctor Destruction has no machine that can cause an earthquake.
  • Enforced: The creators recently experienced an earthquake in their area. They decided to incorporate this into the plot.
  • Lampshaded: "With the power of this machine, I can finally cause earthquakes to make everyone miserable! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  • Invoked: Doctor Evulz tells Doctor Destruction to create an earthquake machine like the one he sees in these sci-fi movies because it's For the Evulz.
  • Exploited: The government hires Doctor Destruction so they can use his machine to find oil underground.
  • Defied: Bob breaks into Doctor Destruction's lab and destroys the machine so Doctor Destruction won't cause despair and misery in the country.
  • Discussed: "With a lab like that, he must cause earthquakes like the science fiction novels I read.
  • Conversed: "Luckily the earthquakes in the real world don't work like that. If we had a Doctor Destruction in our world, the world would plunge into chaos like the sci-fi movies I watched last month."
  • Implied: "Did you feel that, Alice? That must be an earthquake!" "Yeah, Bob! However, it feels artificial..."

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