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Playing With / Defiled Forever

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Basic Trope: A woman who has sex is considered finished and no longer desirable to others.

  • Straight: Alice has sex with Charlie and Bob no longer wants to be with her.
  • Exaggerated: Because Alice loses her virginity from being raped, Bob has her publicly executed.
  • Downplayed: Slut-Shaming.
  • Justified:
    • In a setting without paternity testing (ie. the vast majority of all human history) a bride's virginity and a wife's monogamy is the only way a man can be sure his children are his.
    • In a setting without good contraception (ie. the vast majority of all human history) sex always carries a serious risk of pregnancy for women. If she's not married to the man, there's nothing to stop him from abandoning her (One-Night-Stand Pregnancy). A strong stigma around such sexual encounters helps deter women from making an irreparable mistake for the sake of a worthless man.
    • Alice had sex with Charlie while in a relationship with Bob, other suitors don't want to be with a lady who could backstab their love at any point if she wants.
  • Inverted: My Girl Is a Slut
  • Gender Inverted: A man's virginity and chastity is paramount for his desirability as a husband.
  • Subverted: Bob comes from a conservative family valuing virginity, but when Alice reveals that she had sex with Charlene, Bob was okay with it.
  • Double Subverted: But only because he thinks lesbian sex isn't really sex. When he finds out that Alice also had sex with Dave, he immediately dumps her.
  • Parodied: Alice's skirt is blown up, and she runs away in shame, shouting, "I can no longer be a bride!"
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • Alice is raped just days before her wedding. Bob still loves Alice, and still decides to go through with the marriage. Then people start talking, and Bob breaks up with Alice. Then he feels bad about it, and apologizes to Alice and the wedding is on again.
    • Bob has absolutely no intention of breaking up with Alice but is confused about how to help her. Alice mistakes that for lack of love and breaks up. Bob pleads with Alice and Alice realizes he really does love her. Together they work through it.
  • Averted: Alice's virginity is not a factor in whether or not Bob loves or marries her.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: Alice wants to break up with traditionalist Bob, but she's unwilling to break up with him directly. So as part of Please Dump Me she sleeps with another guy so that he'd dump her instead.
  • Exploited: Alice is aware that no men want a "defiled" woman, so she proceeds to tell off her potential suitors that she's not a virgin as an excuse to drive them off.
  • Defied: Alice looks for men who do not care for her virginity to marry.
  • Discussed: ??
  • Conversed: ??
  • Implied: ??
  • Deconstructed: Alice was a teenager at the time and didn't know any better. Alice hails from an abusive family and yearns for love, however because of a mistake in her teenage years no one in her predominately Christian town wants to be with her at all, as a result Alice ends up having a truly miserable and bitter outlook on love.
  • Reconstructed: Alice really did knew the consequences of her actions during her teenage years, but she did them anyways because she enjoys lust more than she does love, as a result, Bob who truly takes "till death do us apart" seriously, decides to avoid Alice at all costs, even warning other suitors.
  • Played for Drama: Honor-Related Abuse

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