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Playing With / Bare-Bottomed Monkey

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Basic Trope: Primates are depicted with prominent, hairless and often brightly colored buttocks, regardless of scientific accuracy.

  • Straight: Cheeky the monkey has a bright bare backside that's often shown off, either intentionally or otherwise.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Cheeky spends every waking moment showing his butt off. Even while wearing clothes he'll be sure to leave his behind uncovered by them.
    • Cheeky's bare behind is downright rainbow-colored, and even glows.
    • Every single primate in the work has hairless and often brightly-colored backsides, regardless of whether or not the species has them in real life, and they're constantly showing them off.
  • Downplayed: The bare part of Cheeky's rump isn't actually that noticeable, even if it does still get shown off sometimes.
  • Justified: Certain species of primates (such as baboons, gibbons, mandrills, some chimpanzees, and mangabeys) have evolved to have colorful hairless behinds to better suit their habitats and engage in specific social behaviors. Cheeky happens to be one of those species.
  • Inverted:
    • Cheeky likes to make a show of how he doesn't ever show off his behind.
    • Cheeky is hairless everywhere except for his behind.
  • Subverted: Cheeky's rear doesn't always get attention and he isn't always eager to display it.
  • Double Subverted: But sometimes he does really show it off.
  • Zig Zagged: Cheeky may have a prominent bare bottom, but not every primate around does.
  • Parodied: Cheeky's rump is put on display constantly, even when it has zero relevance to anything that's going on or even when Cheeky himself isn't actually present.
  • Averted:
    • Cheeky doesn't have a bare bottom at all.
    • Cheeky's bottom never has any attention drawn to it.
  • Enforced: The writer considers bare monkey butts incredibly funny, and so includes them throughout the story.
  • Lampshaded: "Why would Mother Nature not cover a monkey where they need to be covered most?"
  • Invoked:
    • Cheeky gets all the hair on his behind removed, and the skin painted brightly colored.
    • A prank or Wardrobe Malfunction exposes Cheeky's bare backside for everyone to see.
    • Cheeky is a robotic monkey, but his design includes a prominent colorful rear end anyway.
  • Exploited:
    • Cheeky uses his attention-drawing rear to distract the bad guys while his companions slip past them.
    • Cheeky's highly noticeable bottom is a prime target for lots of Amusing Injuries.
  • Defied: Cheeky has good manners, so he makes sure not to show his tush in public.
  • Discussed:
    Alice: Why in the world do monkeys have such bright bare butts, anyway?
    Bob: Beats me, but judging by how much they like to show 'em off, it seems like we're the only ones meant to be embarrassed by it.
  • Conversed: "That monkey flaunts his big red behind so much, he could find work as a stoplight."
  • Implied: People may call Cheeky "Rainbow Rump" and joke about him feeling a draft back there, but it's never shown whether or not he actually has a bright bare behind.
  • Deconstructed: Primates like Cheeky are all stereotyped and written off as being obsessed with their bright bare bottoms, even though the trait is hardly universal.
  • Reconstructed: Primates are able to fight the stereotype about their rears and become more accepted for it, with some even seeing it as a symbol of pride.
  • Played For Laughs: Cheeky enjoys displaying his colorful hairless backside and Shaking the Rump whenever he feels like it, causing those around him to react in disgust.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Cheeky is teased & bullied because of his bare behind, causing him to feel ashamed of it and be embarrassed to let it be seen.
    • The fact that Cheeky's behind hasn't receded for days now indicates that the swelling is from an infection and not from her being in estrus.note 
  • Played For Horror: Cheeky the Monkey is a diabolical Supervillain who has the ability to control the mind of anyone who stares at his big bare behind for too long. His Evil Plan is to hijack all the world's video broadcasting channels and display his butt on every screen on Earth, making everyone subservient to his evil will and allowing him to Take Over the World.

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