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Playing With / Aloof Dark-Haired Girl

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Basic Trope: A tall, pretty, often brunette, and aloof girl.

  • Straight: Alice is tall, dark-haired, attractive in an imposing way, and has an aloof demeanour.
  • Exaggerated: Alice stands at 6'6'', never shows emotion, and makes straight women question their sexuality.
  • Downplayed: Alice has dark hair, is taller and prettier than average, and rarely engages in major displays of emotion such as crying in public, although she's not necessarily above socializing.
  • Justified:
    • It's In the Blood; most women in her family line are dark-haired girls.
    • The character is a greek supermodel with Asperger's syndrome.
    • Alice is actually a Robot Girl that looks like a human. She genuinely lacks humanity and emotion.
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted: Tall, Dark, and Handsome
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied: Alice takes a walk through the park, calmly ignoring or unaware of the ensuing Slapstick of the gaggle of men staring slack-jawed at her while doing important and dangerous tasks.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice is tall, attractive and aloof... but then her comrades manage to get her fun side out. Then, some trauma happens and she becomes depressed and aloof again. She recovers... just before things get out of control in the team and she has to take charge, pull everyone together, and get them to focus and be serious.
  • Averted: Alice shows few or none of these traits.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Why is it that all of you tall, pretty brunettes are so cold-shouldered?"
  • Invoked: Alice knows she's attractive, but thinks she's too good for any of her admirers, so she acts aloof.
  • Exploited: So people will find her more attractive, Sophia dyes her hair black and cultivates a reserved, mysterious persona.
  • Defied:
    • Alice is tall, dark-haired, and pretty, but quite emotional. She does something like dyeing her hair, smiling often, and doing her makeup to look more plain so that people stop thinking she's weird for not fitting into the stereotype.
    • "Just because I'm Tall and have dark hair that doesn't mean i'll be aloof and void of friendship! How's it going buddy?"
  • Discussed: "I'm surprised you're that emotional. Usually, the girl version of the tall, dark, and handsome stranger is pretty unemotive".
  • Conversed: "What!? That role shouldn't have had a pretty, cold girl in its place!"
  • Deconstructed: Alice is actually very insecure and vulnerable, but hates appearing weak, so she makes herself pretty and puts up a cool, self-assured front.
  • Reconstructed: Alice has achieved something or took a dramatic change of disposition. She's much more confident but prefers to still show a quiet confidence on her beautiful face.
  • Played For Laughs: A number of men and at least one woman have major crushes on Alice and consider themselves her fan club, but she acts as though she can't even see them. Hijinks ensue.
  • Played For Drama: Alice's cold demeanor results from her being So Beautiful, It's a Curse and prevents her seeking out the help or sympathy she'd need in order to heal.

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