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Nightmare Fuel / Swamp Thing (2019)

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If Legion (2017), The New Mutants and Helstrom didn't scare you, this show will.

  • Most of the first episode can easily be mistaken for an especially hardcore medical drama, not feeling like a comic adaptation at all as we see a whole town stricken with a mysterious plague that causes people to uncontrollably cough up blood, including little kids.
  • The end result of infection by the chemicals being dumped in the swamp would make Cronenberg himself proud, with vines and roots sprouting from all over. Then they actually come to life, ripping the body apart and then dragging the remains around in an especially twisted take on zombie imagery. Apparently, the only way to stop them is to Kill It with Fire.
  • The final fate of Susie's father... and that's before the virus reanimates him.
  • The ghost of Shawna, who enjoys being malicious and spiteful whenever she can, and looks exactly like you'd imagine a drowned corpse would. Bonus points to her possessing Susie and tormenting Abby with a vision of a drowning Shawna scratching frantically and futilely at the window before the ghost chokes and vomits up an eel.
    • Shawna's death - Abby shoves her off the town bridge into the water and she disappears from view. Terrified, Abby jumps in after her and searches frantically, only for Shawna to pop back up laughing merrily and telling Abby she should have seen the look on her face (although one wonders how Shawna managed to see the look on Abby's face, being underwater the entire time). The girls talk and laugh for a bit, then Shawna suddenly drops under the water again. Abby accuses her of pretending again, but Shawna protests that this time she's being serious, and something's grabbed her... right before she's abruptly yanked underwater. Abby dives after her and attempts to save her, but can't reach her in time and is forced to watch as Shawna is dragged away to her death, screaming and struggling all the while.
  • Swamp Thing's first time in action, saving Susie from the man who killed the game warden. First, he No Sells several knife strikes with his plant body simply knitting back together and then summons a bunch of vines that grab the guy and viciously rip him to pieces.
    • The swamp decides to bring the guy back as a withered corpse full of flies and other insects with the ability to blow them into other people's mouths and eyes to make them instantly desiccate. As an added bonus, he likes to get in Swamp Thing's face while screaming about how he was murdered.
    • The game warden's death is terrifying in its brutality - the poor sap gets a gator hook to the face and falls to the ground with it still embedded in him and choking on his own blood... right in front of poor Susie.
  • When Swamp Thing first awakens and examines himself, he seems to think his green flesh is something on top of normal human skin and tries scraping it off — only to tear off large chunks of his own flesh, including part of his head.
  • Fittingly, the visions caused by the nightmare virus in "Darkness on the Edge of Town," especially what it does to the first victim. He sees a snake coiled around his arm, and when stabbing himself in the arm doesn't work, he shoves the whole thing down the sink's garbage disposal.
    • When Abby is infected by it, she's briefly regressed to a frightened little girl being dragged away kicking and screaming by... someone, whom Abby claims she saw in nightmares as a child that stopped when her mother died. We never see his face, but he shouts in the Voice of the Legion about her mother keeping her from him. Even worse if you consider the source material, and the possibility that this was a vision of Anton Arcane.
  • In "Anatomy Lesson" Swamp Thing undergoes an autopsy while still alive. He is knocked out at first but wakes up during it. He can still feel the pain of being cut up just as any human, but he will not die. Add to that discovering that his insides are composed of plant matter which mimics human organs in their arrangement, but they do not fulfill any practical function. For example, after his "lungs" are removed, Swamp Thing can still speak (and scream) just as well as before.
  • The fate of Avery's father: dragged into a fire by roots and held there until he burns to death, while Avery can only watch and sob in terror.
  • Maria's hallucinations after being committed to the mental asylum - she hears demonic sounding whispers, and backs up against the wall, where several bloody arms burst through and pin her there.
  • Avery's struggle back through the swamp and into town, particularly when his encounter with Lucilia and her horrific Nightmare Face, which provides the page image.
