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Nightmare Fuel / Revenge Films

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Being a channel of stories centered on people getting revenge on those who wronged them, it's also a given that there'll be some bone-chilling scenes, especially because some of the scary stuff occurring in these stories can actually happen in real life.

  • "My sister hanged herself" (CW: suicide):

  • "She ruined her own wedding by revealing all sorts of stories about her past":
    • Taylor started her speech by exposing she was sexually assaulted at the age of 12, then slept around and ended it by shamelessly revealing she cheated on the groom before her wedding day. While being raped at such a young age is a horrifying experience, this could also be a factor in Taylor's twisted personality.
    • Near the end, Taylor, embittered by losing her marriage and the ability to conceive because of her aforementioned past, snapped and tried to steal a young mother's baby in broad daylight. While she got arrested before causing any more harm, most new mothers in Real Life aren't so lucky.
    • To top it off, after Taylor got arrested and jailed for attempted kidnapping and official misconduct as she verbally abused the cops who arrested her for the former, the OP's coworkers rumored among themselves that it was a revenge from the babies that Taylor aborted earlier on. The very idea of this seems unnerving.

  • "My husband tried to kill my blind son by putting him in a coffin": The OP's husband locked his blind stepson, Ashton, who may be no older than 9 years old, in a coffin under the pretense of playing hide-and-seek. Just imagine the sheer terror from the perspective of a blind boy after being locked up in such a closed space, with the only other inhabitant being a cold, dead body.
    • Moreover, it was part of the husband's plan to get his late father-in-law's inheritance; it relied on Ashton being locked through the whole funeral until the FIL's cremation, where the poor boy will die a horrid, painful death while the OP, in her grief, will be susceptible enough to give up the inheritance to the husband, which would have happened had the OP not broke Ashton out of the coffin.

  • "When I was sick with a high fever, my brother brought his friend, and..." (CW: rape): Rachel falls sick and her estranged evil brother Kevin, takes advantage of it to invite his two friends over to her room so he could record them gang-raping her and then sell the footage. Had her boyfriend Steven not heard the commotion and called the police on the three brats, Rachel would have ended up scarred for life or much worse.

  • "My wife suddenly told me and my daughter to run" (CW: Attempted kidnapping and rape): Amy suddenly calls the OP, telling him to take their daughter Sally and to leave the house right away, leaving the OP puzzled as he and her go to their grandparents house. When Amy gets there, she explains that one of her mom 'friends' had demanded that Sally marry her Stalker with a Crush son Hugh as that was his 18th birthday wish. And when Amy adamantly refused this arrangement, Melissa ended up claiming that Sally won’t be able to refuse if Hugh got her pregnant and that they were on their way to collect Sally, prompting Amy to warn her husband to take Sally and leave. Shortly, it’s revealed that just minutes after Sally escaped, Melissa and Hugh did indeed showed up at her house with the full intentions of having Hugh kidnap and rape her, and they quickly get aggressive when they couldn’t get her, trashing the house and later trying to assault the OP and Amy at the police station demanding that they hand over Sally. If Amy hadn’t acted quickly, OP would had been either beaten up or murdered, while Sally would had been kidnapped, sexually assaulted and forced to marry Hugh against her will.
    • What makes the whole thing worse is the real reason why Melissa wanted Hugh and Sally to marry: She was hoping that if they did, the OP would make Hugh the heir to his business and that she was planning to take control of Hugh once he took over, allowing her to take all of the company’s assists/money for herself. In short, Melissa was more than willing to completely destroy a young woman’s life in such a vile way just to fatten her own pockets.
