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Nightmare Fuel / Nerdy Prudes Must Die

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It's not called a "Horror" Comedy for no reason.

  • The gore effects have gone up since The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals. The shot of Max with debris stuck right through his chest is nauseating and far more realistic.
  • Ghost Max's look. His face has sunken in, his eyes are wild, and his veins show right through his varsity jacket.
  • Richie's death. We don't see it first-hand, but the descriptions of deep gashes in the head and stomach, twisting his nipples off, and drowning him is a horrible way to die. The part we do get to see later is his terrified screaming with Max standing right above him with a demented look on his face.
  • "Nerdy Prudes Must Die" is literally a song about killing every single nerd! Even worse when Max brags that he's the one who decides who's a nerd. Nobody is safe.
  • Ruth's death is somewhat played for laughs, but Max literally tore through her body with her own underwear. Her cries of pain do not help.
  • "Bury the Bully" is morbid because of Grace Chasity's gruesome descriptions on how to dispose of a body:
    • Hack all his limbs off with an axe
    • Cover the body with bleach (fun fact: this is how Jeffrey Dahmer cleaned his victims)
    • Tape him up in plastic (Steph was horrified when she thought Grace meant "tape" as in "filming the process," but this still isn't that much better)
  • The Paranoia Fuel the Mayor incites, leading to the townsfolk turning on each other with no one to trust.
  • More Paranoia Fuel when the Mayor describes the sheer range of the Black Altars and the Waylons' influence.
  • Poor Miss Tessburger's head drops right in front of Mayor Lauter from offstage, paired with a horrifying pun from Max.
  • Max suddenly appears in shotgun right next to Detective Shapiro, then slams her head right through the windshield, causing a car crash. Fortunately, she survived, but the audience doesn't know that until she shows up at homecoming.
  • The Summoning. After some creepy incantations by Grace, Steph, and Pete, The Lords in Black appear. They take the form of humans, but there is so much just plain wrong about their behavior.
    • To begin with, the choreography. Every other character in every other number has danced in the fluid, too-coordinated motions that we can expect from musicals. The Lords? They less "dance" and more thrash about wildly, jerking through a series of stiff poses and motions like robots or puppets. It's as if they KNOW they're in a musical, and are doing the bare minimum in order to fit in with that medium, lest the audience be destroyed by the sight of something that does not conform to the rules of reality as we know it. This is accentuated by their singing, a series of deranged chants hollered in a childlike singsong.
    • Blinky says that they've been watching Grace, taunting her about the sexual desires she's been trying so hard to repress.
      • There's even a fan theory that suggests that the Lords in Black were behind some of Grace's thoughts/fantasies though that's YMMV.
    • Nibbly's mouth is just... slightly too wide. He over-accentuates every word, making the listeners hear every clack of his teeth and slurp of saliva.
    • Pokey informs the terrified teenagers that their true forms would melt their minds.
    • Tinky taunts Pete about holding his entire family. Brr. In-Universe, it's out of context for Peter, who has no clue that his older brother is trapped in the time loop by a sadistic god.
    • Wiggly uses such obnoxiously cute language that it's terrifying. It becomes even worse when he roars "PAY THE PRICE OR FUCK OFF!" at the very end.
    • They are hesitant about ending Maxwell's reign of terror because they think it would be fun to watch.
    • Their exchange for stopping Max? One of the kids has to give up what they cherish most. They go right to Stephanie, who treasures Peter the most. They even taunt her with the gun she has in her pocket. "Stephanie has got a gun, tra-la-la-la, how fun!"
    • There is an unsettling degree of synchronicity between the Lords in Black in their first appearance together. Previously it had seemed as if they might exist largely apart from each other or even at odds. In NPMD, they seem almost like a Hive Mind.
    • And, of course, "WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR PHONE!"
  • Peter's almost-sacrifice. Stephanie almost killed her love to end the nightmare, even pulling the trigger. The only reason Max stopped it was because he was so sadistic that he wanted to hurt Peter himself.
  • Maxwell being dragged into the Black and White. To the audience and the teenagers, he seems to be being pulled and pinned by invisible forces. He looks forward, terrified, yelling "WHAT ARE YOU?!" as he sees the true forms of The Lords in Black. Wiggly's "Oh, what wonders await you here in the black" sounds eerily like Pinhead's "we have such sights to show you."
  • Grace Chasity using The Lords in Black to cleanse the world of so-called "dirty dudes." Keep in mind, her definition of a "dirty dude" includes her homecoming date who gave her a peck on the lips when she suggested it. She is truly going mad with power, and the end of the show ends with there being possibly no stop to her madness.
    • Grace is also far from the clean, well-rested girl she had been at the start - there are dark circles under her eyes and her teeth are dark with stains.
