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Nightmare Fuel / Killer Frequency

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"What's your favorite scary movie?"
Killer Frequency is made in homage to all of the horror movies- slashers in particular- that defined the 80's and 90's. The game being scary isn't in question.

As is the case with all "Moments" pages, Spoilers Off applies!!!

  • The Whistling Man. Imagine all the most iconic 80's slasher villains that terrified you so many years ago put together in one frightening package.
    • The whistle. That goddamn whistle. It's a short and simple sound- a high-pitched, almost keening, three-note lilt- but it still manages to be completely and utterly unnerving to listen to. Worse still, you only ever hear it when the Whistling Man has found someone and is closing in to kill them, so it's a sound you'll quickly come to associate with a person's life being in imminent danger; you'll hear that whistle on the other end of the radio more than once when the Whistling Man starts stalking your current caller, and if you screw up, you'll get to hear it just before he butchers your caller live on radio. Hear it for yourself.
  • Eugene Stine's segment is one of the most tense in the whole game. You have to try to guide him through a literal maze, hoping with every turn you tell him to make that you haven't unwittingly directed him straight to his death; the details of the Maize Maze's landmarks aren't very clear on the map that you have, and you're just as reliant on the uncertain information that Eugine gives you as you are the barely-descript map you're holding in your hands. All the while, Eugine is sobbing and panicking the entire time, and the Whistling Man is coldly trying to hunt him down with a chainsaw. It's all exactly as nerve-wracking as it sounds, and the fact that you can only hear what's going on- rather than see it for yourself, like you would in most horror movies- just makes it all the more bone chilling to have to listen to.
  • Murphy's segment is a tense scenario as well. After having challenged the killer live on air, the next time he calls up, he's crying because the killer showed up and not only beat him to an inch of his life, but locked him in a dumpster and set the waste disposal plant on fire.
  • Should you fail to save a caller from the clutches of the Whistling Man, you're rewarded to the sounds of them getting viciously murdered over the line before it cuts off.
    • Special mention goes to Chuck Brody, who literally gets blown up by bombs planted by the killer.
  • Jimmy's death is especially cruel and nightmare fuel. The killer stabs him to death over the phonenote  and cuts his face off!
  • Any time you have to have Forrest walk around the building or go outside is pure Paranoia Fuel, as the Whistling Man could be lurking anywhere, ready to snatch you up and kill you.
  • In the end game, you end up getting locked in Peggy's room and left alone in the building with the Whistling Man.
  • Marie herself and her fall to villainy is honestly this and a Tear Jerker. As implied by the birthday card on Peggy's desk, she was once a kind girl that loved her sister very much. However losing her boyfriend due to a dumb prank as well, being kicked out by her parents, and turned away from the town when she tried to tell what happened took a toll on her sanity. She ended up becoming a vengeful Serial Killer, willing to slaughter everyone who wronged her and even strike down her own sister.
  • Speaking of which, if you fail to prove to Marie that Peggy never forgot about her, you get to hear your ally and friend throughout the entire game get brutally killed over the call.
  • The sheer strength both of the killers have is honestly terrifying. Henry is strong enough to effortlessly lift and throw a couch, as well as beat up both Murphy and Forrest, two men way older than himnote . Marie's strength isn't ever explicitly shown, but if she is the one that kills Clive, then she's capable of strangling a man to death with her bare hands.
