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Nightmare Fuel / 52

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  • There are some truly spine-chilling moments in this series, many of them revolving around the Four Horsemen.
  • There's what Intergang says to the ruler of Bialya when he begs for help against Black Adam, and what Adam himself does to the people of Bialya.
  • Waverider's death and what we learn happens to him. We don't even get to see it happen, as it cuts away right after Skeets states what his fate is going to be, but leaving it to everyone's imagination somehow winds up making it worse.
  • The straw Sue Dibny coming to life. Even the creators thought it was horrifying.
    Mark Waid: "And when Keith [Giffen] — who is the scariest, creepiest, most menacing life form I know — called me to tell me how much Wicker Sue made his skin crawl, that was a very good day."
