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Nightmare Fuel / Caddicarus

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You're playing Sack Boy, so you have no choice but to be happy...

Welcome to... THE PAGE OF TERRAR.......arr...

  • Caddy's sense of humour usually involves a lot of jumpscares which can catch a lot of people off guard. These can often pop up during any video and doesn't have to be a horror related review however they are seen to be humourous and not to outright scare but it can still really startle people whether it's his use of distorted and highly amplified audio or flashing images which sometimes pop up now and again during the videos.
  • His Halloween special with Jordan Underneath has a bit of this thanks to Jordan. Literally the first two seconds of Jordan's appearance, in fact.
    Caddy: Hey, Jordan, it's me-
    Jordan: (With sunken-in, unnatural-looking eyes) FUCK OFF CADDY!
    • From the same review, Zombies and Monsters...
    • The ending of the review has Jordan Underneath using a voodoo doll to mutilate and stab Caddy to death. It's as pleasant as it sounds.
      Jordan: Die! Just DIE! JUST DIE!!!
  • His #1 in his "My Top 10 Things in Games that Scared Me as a Kid!" video...just it needs to be seen to be believed. Not helped that he uses the enemies from the game as a Jump Scare at the end.
  • From the Casper: A Spirited Beginning video:
  • "Story Time with Daddy Caddy," especially because it tends to pop up at random and, once it passes, is never acknowledged or mentioned again. To give some specific examples:
    Caddy: ~Roses are red, violets are blue...
    Floating head of I Hate Everything: I know where you live, and I'm watching you.
  • His rendition of "This Little Piggy" from Classic Nursery Rhymes is genuinely unsettling.
  • The lullaby he makes up for the Peppa Pig Music CD, depicting his desire to see Peppa and George get trapped in a gorge. Might be funny...except for the accompanying image of Peppa and George, terrified and crying as they try to escape a gorge while a creepy ambience plays in the background. What's worse? Good-eared people can identify the ambience as none other than "My Heaven".
  • In his video about the PS5, he talks about Sackboy and about how you can't help but be happy when you see him. Cue a scene where Caddy is wearing a Brown Bag Mask with a smiley face drawn on it only to slowly take it off to reveal a horrifically distorted face while loud music briefly plays in the background.
  • During his review on his old videos, he starts asking the bricks if he can go back outside, before the giant stock image of bricks at the front of his window attend to brainwash him to stay indoors, within that he then starts to in all of the viewers to stay inside and wash their hands in a droning voice, followed by him having blood all over his hands causing him to freak out.
  • During The Wonderful World of PS1 Demo Discs Caddy abruptly goes from describing the bizarre and trippy menu backgrounds to praising some sort of walrus deity that is watching over him.
    • One of the segment transitions intercuts the hyperkinetic editing of a demo trailer set to techno music with Caddy suddenly screaming in pain.
  • Some of Caddy's Twitter icons can be disturbing, including some that utilised the Content Aware Scale effect. He once claimed he changed it because he had a nightmare that the distorted icon was standing at the foot of his bed.
  • Caddy's thousand-yard-stare in the animated video I'm Sorry., when he realises that he just accidentally deleted all of his footage.
  • The ending to "The Horrible World Of Kinect Games" where The Kinect controller, suddenly starts talking with eyes that looks like it's been possessed by a demon.
  • "The Illegal World of Crash Bandicoot Bootlegs" has a scene where Caddy sets a Crash Bandicoot plushie on fire, where it then burns away from the face down as it lets out a horrifying scream.
  • At the very end of "The Legendary World of Spyro Games", A Sam Widge sketch ends with a 1,000,000 subscriber message... that then gives way to Xploshi's cameo, which is her editing Sam Widge('s sous chef) warping into a hideous creature with sunken black eyes and a giant twisted smile. All the while, "ribbed for her pleasure" repeats in the background, not helping much due to being echoed, in various deep pitches.
  • During "The Ripoff World of Crash Bandicoot Merchandise", Caddy shows off a goofy-looking Crash mini-light, which bellows out a hauntingly slowed down version of his laugh in the Crash Bandicoot 2 CG trailer as a red filter envelops it.
    • During an ad-plug for Caddy's own merchandise at the Pixel Empire, we learn that the one in the PS1-styled ads isn't the product of a framing device. It's the real Caddicarus, still trapped there from the Spyro special's commercial, with the one doing the review being a replica that conveniently neglected to mention it. When the signal to the PS1 dimension goes black, he turns towards the camera at an agonizingly slow pace with his lips pursed shut in an antagonistic smirk, puts a finger up to his lips, and makes an almost imperceptibly soft whistle to urge the audience to forget what they just saw.
  • Although the Spons plush campaign was overall pretty funny, the skeletal Spons image used in it somewhat falls into the Uncanny Valley, especially with the bones forming Spons' kite body.
