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Literature / I'm Not A Regression

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One day,

In front of my eyes appeared a silver-haired Goddess.

[Heaven-defying Star. The existence that goes against destiny. The one and only savior of a world that was destined to meet its end—]

What kind of bullshit is this woman spouting?

[You must be a Regressor.]


No, I’m not.


  • The Assimilator: Black Sky is an ability that allows Ohjin to absorb the stigma of another awakened one, replenish his own mana along with the ability to look into the memories of the people he has absorbed, this is how he tricked Vega into believing he was a regressor due to him having absorbed Lyra's stigma and Lee Shinhyuk's memories.
  • Consummate Liar: Ohjin is such a good liar that he managed to convince the Goddess that he is a regressor and even his childhood friend almost believes he is telling the truth even though she knows he is blatantly lying.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Ohjin exhibits somewhat possessive behavior towards Ha-eun to the point where he is enraged at the idea of other guys looking at her, because of this he was not happy to learn that Ha-eun and Lee Shinhyuk would have been friends.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Gwon Ohjin, the Sky Devil, the Stigma Eater, the destroyer of the world, started out as a mere swindler who used his incredible lying skills to trick the newly awakened and give him a cut of the profit.
  • God's Hands Are Tied: The gods are limited from using their full powers in the human world due to divine laws, Vega, for example, is always punished severely when she uses too much of her power than is allowed to help Ohjin when he is fighting a superior opponent.
  • Healing Factor: Ohjin has a healing factor that only works when he is near a large amount of water because of this during his fight against Sosuke who is able to control the water element, he is faking despair and feeling pain to mock his opponent.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Lee Shinhyuk made the attempt to confess his love to Ha-eun only for her to reject him, at first she said the two could still be friends but some of Lee Shinhyuk's memories end up revealing that she distanced herself from him because of the confession .
  • Knight Templar: Sword of Justice, Damian Salvator has an extreme view of Justice where it doesn't matter if it's a desperate child starving if he steals food that child should be punished no matter the circumstance.
  • Master of Disguise: Ohjin eventually acquired a stigma that ended up giving him the ability of a shapeshifter that allows him to transform into anyone, which he uses to lure his enemies into traps or forge evidence capable of incriminating them.
  • Morality Chain: Ha-eun is Ohjin's most important person, where he is willing to do anything to protect her to the point of imagining that something must have happened to her in the first timeline for his alternate self to want to destroy the world.
    • Vega over time also ended up becoming one of Ohjin's pillars of support making him feel bad for the lies he told her.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Due to the fact that Lee Shinhyuk desired to obtain Lyra's Stigma, this not only led to his death as he could not handle this power, but also caused Ohjin, the Heavenly Demon, to acquire Lyra's Stigma, causing that he become an Awakened sooner.
    • Ohjin also has his moments due to the fact that he only obtained fragments of Lee Shinhyuk's memories, causing him to screw up due to him not having the full context of the situation.
  • Pet the Dog: Ohjin has his moments where he used his shapeshifting abilities to transform himself into Jang Sukho's dead son so the poor man could die peacefully believing he managed to save his son. He did it again against Cheon Woosung after the dying villain started screaming for his mother, causing Ohjin to transform into Cheon Woosung's mother to comfort him.
  • Power at a Price: Using the full power of the Black Sky allows Ohjin to transform into a black smoke capable of devouring his opponent giving him an easy victory against very powerful opponents the problem is that the longer this technique is activated his consciousness starts to disappear along with the memory loss causing him to decide to use this technique as a last resort.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: The Black Star organization in Italy after expelling the mafia started offering help to the poor in order to encourage these people to always donate blood to feed the vampires.
  • Rasputinian Death: Ohjin, even being beaten to the brink of death, is bleeding liters of blood and most of his organs in his body are already completely destroyed, he will simply ignore the pain and keep fighting until he defeats his opponent.
  • Worf Had the Flu: In normal situations, Isabelle would have easily killed all the assassins sent after her, but because she is cursed, she is prevented from using her full power, which makes her need to rely on Ohjin's help to survive until the curse wears off.
  • Yandere: Isabella, the bloodsucking queen, became obsessed with Ohjin after he did everything possible to save her from a predicament, along with the fact that his blood is a powerful aphrodisiac for her.
