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Literature / Chibi Godzilla

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Chibi Godzilla (ちびゴジラ Chibi Gojira) is a series of Japanese children's books written and illustrated by Chiharu Sakazaki, based on Toho's Godzilla and aimed at very young children.

The Children's book series tells the story of Godzilla when he was a child, and unlike most Godzillas in most continuity, Chibi Godzilla himself is a crybaby. The series also features other characters like Chibi Ghidorah, Chibi Mothra, Chibi Rodan, Chibi Anguirus and the three Chibi Mechagodzilla brothers.

The series consists of three children's books:

  • Do Your Best, Chibi Godzilla (2018)
  • Close Friends, Chibi Godzilla (2019)
  • Sticker Picture Book: Chibi Godzilla and Friends (2020)

The series spawned the following entries (Do note that they are in separate continuity to the children's books):

The series has a Twitter account (also used to promote Chibi Godzilla Raids Again), which occasionally parodying movie scenes and posters. Said account also hosts a series of short 4-komas featuring the shenanigans of Chibi Godzilla and the blue-trimed Chibi Mechagodzilla.

Monster Island Buddies has produced two videos, covering the first two entries in the children book series here and here

Tropes present in the book series:

  • Adaptational Friendship: Whereas King Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla are Godzillla's arch-enemies in the film series, their Chibi counterparts are friends to Chibi Godzilla.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Both Chibi Ghidorah and the three Chibi Mechagodzilla brothers are nicer compare to their film counterparts.
  • Breath Weapon: Unlike Godzilla in the films, Chibi Godzilla can only shoot the regular breathing fire. When he show it off to his friends in Close Friends, Chibi Godzilla however, he ended up scaring them off at first.
  • Eyes Always Shut: One of Chibi Ghidorah’s heads always has his eyes shut even when the other two have them open.
  • Lighter and Softer: Given that the children's books are aimed at very young children, it is one of the lighter entries in the Godzilla media.
  • Super-Deformed: Chibi Godzilla and other characters were drawn in a chibi artstyle, courtesy of Chiharu Sakazaki.
  • Tender Tears: Chibi Godzilla prone to tears throughout the children's book series.
