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Just Eat Gilligan / How It Should Have Ended

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The series How It Should Have Ended is pretty much dedicated to pointing these out.

  • The Dark Knight ends with Batman running Joker over hard enough to hospitalize him for a good long while instead of sparing him.
  • Inside Out has Joy and Sadness easily make it back to headquarters after convincing the Mind Workers to send the Core Memories back through a return tube.
  • The Lord of the Rings, specifically The Fellowship of the Ring, has the Fellowship blindfold the eagles and fly them straight from Rivendell into Mordor and have Frodo drop the Ring from the air.
  • The Star Wars videos have these moments.
    • In "How Attack of the Clones Should Have Ended", when Dooku decides to flee and uses the Force to cause a giant metal cylinder thing to fall towards the wounded Anakin and Obi-Wan, in the hope of distracting Yoda, and while it does visibly exhaust him, instead of slowly tossing it aside, like he does in the film, Yoda takes a third option and throws the debris at Dooku's ship, totaling it, making Dooku unable to escape and results in his arrest, preventing the Clone War from starting.
    • In "How Revenge of the Sith Should Have Ended", when Anakin finds out that Palpatine is in fact, Darth Sidious, the Sith lord behind everything that went wrong, he decides to not stay in place and let Palpatine influence him into possibly going to the dark side. Instead, he decides to call Mace Windu via hologram and tell him to get over the chancellor's office and stop him, instead of just going to Mace in person, after Palpatine has put some influence into Anakin. And thus Palpatine is curbstomped by Mace and his three Jedi companions that accompany him, who are prepared for Palpatine's attack, unlike in the film, and thus, preventing Order 66, Anakin never goes to the Dark Side, he and Padmé manage to deliver Luke and Leia, and everybody lives happily after.
    • In A New Hope, The Empire doesn't wait until the Death Star has gone all the way around the planet that the Rebel Alliance base orbits, and either: just blow up the planet - in the original video, or lightspeed around the planet to the appropriate side -in the updated version, and you'll have a clear shot at the base.
    • A villainous example occurs in "How The Force Awakens Should Have Ended". When Phasma is apprehended by Han, Finn, and Chewie, rather than lowering the shields of Starkiller Base like a Dirty Coward, she takes advantage of being at a control panel and alerts the base to their presence, thus preventing the shield from being lowered.
