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Heartwarming / 'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess

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  • The overall idea behind the story involves a princess who has known only the hell of war and fighting getting captured by her enemies, only instead of doing anything to actually torment her, her captors do everything they can to help her experience all kinds of happiness that was missing in her life, under the guise of "torture" so that they can tempt and inevitably trick her into accepting the joys they provide.
  • The 'failures' are adorable, with the princess acting like a girl half her supposed age as she enjoys herself after giving up something to the Hell-Lord's forces.
  • The Princess is immediately charmed by Mao-Mao when she first meets her, even practically being willing to tell her any secret she wants to hear. When Mao-Mao expresses her insecurities, the Princess goes full Cool Big Sis mode and reassures her that she has what it takes.
  • Chapter 27 focuses on the Hell-Lord and Mao-Mao. As a reward for her achievements, the Hell-Lord offers Mao-Mao a reward of her choosing. She requests a piggyback ride, something she has always wanted but hesitated to ask, given the dignity of their ranks. What follows is not just a piggyback ride, but an entire day of the Hell-Lord and Mao-Mao playing together. It ends with the Hell-Lord piggybacking a sleeping Mao-Mao back to the castle.
  • Chapter 69 has the Princess tempted with playing in a ball pit. For once, she's able to hold herself back... but the reasoning for why she does that is so depressing, being because her Friendless Background prevented her from ever getting invited to play in one, that Ex yells out a secret so she can jump in and enjoy herself. Ex, for all that he's exasperated by her, really does care for the Princess.
  • Chapter 126 has the Princess and Sakura finally meet again... and immediately rekindle their friendship. Neither hold the past against the other, and the Princess has to remind Sakura she's supposed to be "torturing" her.
  • The relationship between the Princess and the butler Jimochi. In various flashbacks it's shown that the few mundane luxuries the Princess did experience as a child are because of him either sneaking her snacks, taking her places she normally wouldn't get to go, and playing games with her instead of training. He's the one person who let her be a kid.
