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Funny / 'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess

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  • General:
    • The whole fact that the series is about a princess giving up practically anything just to enjoy the simple things that she couldn't due to being a princess... and the person she gives them to finding them practically all useless for flimsy reasons.
  • Anime Episode 1:
    • The first "torture" presented is toast. The Princess somehow goes on imagination tangents about wheat fields and using the toast as a trampoline.
    • The second "torture", takoyaki, has Ex laugh off how she won't be swayed... only for her to have run up to the stall and literally say "You can't sway me with something I've never eaten like takoyaki!"... when she was mere seconds from grabbing some until Ex broke her out of her trance, and just one has her confess and is soon enjoying herself with the takoyaki stall.
    • The opening of the show is taken from the volume 1 extras, a badass action sequence of the Princess fighting a giant cyclops. The Stinger repeats the sequence, but with her internal monologue... showing she spent the fight thinking about the video game she's currently playing, and her Stab the Sky and war scream were her trying to fix a stitch in her side.
      The Princess's thoughts: Nope. Still hurts like hell.
  • Anime Episode 6:
    • After a long day of playing, the Hell-Lord puts Mao-Mao to bed. As he leaves a piece of paper she had drawn on earlier falls of the table; on the other side of the paper is the Royal Empire's password that Mao-Mao had gotten from the playground "torture" the Hell-Lord had previously lost.
  • Torture makes a bet with the Princess: if she loses the game she's putting her through against Enki and Youki (who are the reigning tag team champions), the Princess will reveal a secret, otherwise Torture will grant any request, even freeing her. The game? Beach swordplay. Torture literally forgot the Princess is the world's best swordfighter...
  • Chapter 90 sees Mao-Mao perform vault-box jumps. When she does one with four boxes, the Princess, Lulune, and the Hell-Lord shout secrets in unison.
  • Chapter 108 has Enki and the Princess compete in a Rubik's Cube unscrambling race. By the end of the chapter, neither of them have come close to finishing. They start in the morning; the last page shows the Hell-Lord, still waiting for the secret, looking at his phone, showing it's 8:13 PM and they still haven't finished.
  • The ending of Chapter 147, where the Hell-Lord looks up the secret the Princess gave him the previous week: "Mandrills have colorful butts". He takes out his phone and looks up a picture of one.
    Hell-Lord: Indeed they do.
  • Chapter 169 sees the Princess and Tortura compete in top-spinning. The Princess somehow manages to spin hers so fast that it bursts into flames.
