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Heartwarming / The Mighty B!

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  • Every time Happy sticks up for Bessie. As troublemaking and sour as he can be, Happy really does care about his new best friend and family, and vice versa.
    • In "So Happy Together", Happy, despite hating dog shows, comes back to help Bessie win the one in this episode. Why did he come back for her? Because she actually tried to take care of him. Also, Bessie admitting that, even if she doesn't win, she's content knowing that Happy came back for her and they're sticking together.
    • In "Sweet Sixteenth", when Bessie finally gives up on riding the Punisher rollercoaster, Happy decides enough is enough and eats away part of the ride's height sign, and then gives a major push-back to the ride's ticket taker, so he and Bessie can get on the ride.
    • In "Li'l Orphan Happy", Bessie and Ben pull out all the stops to try to find Happy's birth mother, looking over literally thousands of dogs. Then, after getting rid of the imposter Rose, Hillary comes to comfort Happy, thanking him for protecting his new family. Bessie sums it up thusly:
      Bessie: See, Happy? You do have a mom! And we have the greatest, cutest, smartest, most lovable, most loyal, awesomest dog in the whole world! (cue family group hug)
  • Bessie and her mom Hillary reconciling at the end of "Little Womyn", the two telling each other they're just fine the way they are.
  • Any time Portia shows she's more than just an Alpha Bitch.
    • In "Bat Mitzvah Crashers", Bessie and Penny, after seeing Portia getting bullied by her toxic cousin Chelsea at her bat mitzvah, stick up for her and give her a chance to have some payback. By burying Chelsea beneath a giant snowball. Afterwards, Portia sincerely thanks them for helping her and at the end, even decides to join them for visiting another bat mitzvah.
    • In "Dragonflies", not less than two minutes after saying she doesn't care about losing the rec room to the titular rival troop, Portia actually decides to pull her weight and help the Honeybees win the competition. She admits that she doesn't want to let down her scout troop. Aww.
  • The entire episode of "Mr. Turtleton's Wild Ride" especially at the end. For a few days, Bessie has to watch Millie's pet turtle while she was away but when his old owner returns, he doesn't seem to want to abandon his new life with Bessie. Knowing this, Millie reluctantly gives away her turtle to Bessie. But during the course of his first day with her, he began to miss Millie after discovering that it's not as fun as he thought. So in the end, he went back to Millie.
    Millie: (seeing Chester crawling back to her bed) I set you free and you came back. Now you're mine forever!
