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Heartwarming / Monster Legends

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  • Crossing over with Awesome Moments, there's Saika's description. Saika is the grandmother of well-known guide for lost travellers Kassia. One day, Kassia finds herself in the headlights of Countess Flawless, an insanely-powerful vampiress who doesn't like that Kassia's advising monsters against going to her home of Monstelvania. So, what does her dangerously old and retired grandmother do when she finds this out? Immediately head right up to Flawless and kick her ass.
  • In Katufo's description, it's revealed that Voltai K's girlfriend, Madam Fusion, always gives him a birthday gift every year with as much thought as she can put into it. This year, she's decided to give him a copy of a comic book he loved when he was young, Katufo the Space Defender. If you're reading the extended version of the backstory, you also get to see his overjoyed reaction as he reminisces on his childhood and goes full nerd on Fusion, adding a side to his character never before seen. As if this wasn't enough of a kind moment, he then puts the comic next to a stray piece of Mythic Amber overnight, and wakes up to find the amber has brought his hero to life. That must have been one great day for Voltai K, to say the least.
  • Thundeer, one of the two 2019 Christmas monsters, was once this universe's equivalent of Santa Claus, sending presents to kids all around the world. One day, however, he suddenly got zapped by lighting and transformed into a terrifying lightning ghost that scared kids so much, he would never be able to deliver another gift. He went to Ingenica, a master in mechanics, seeking help for his plight, and was very soon given a gift of his own; Santerion, a robotic Santa Claus that could send the presents in his stead while he controlled it from the North Pole. This is a very rare case of a Forsaken monster getting a happy ending, when they're usually big Tear Jerkers.
  • Saulot, a cruel general murdered by his own army and resurrected as a hellish demon that torments his betrayers for kicks, and likely one of the cruellest monsters released, apparently owns a large, playful dog named Mephisto. Sure, he's rather disobedient and also happens to be made entirely of magma and hellfire, but it's the thought that counts.
  • Varupapu and Spawny's backstory makes for a heartwarming tale of friendship. For context, Varuna was a pirate crab who sold his soul to Death to continue terrorizing the seas, however, he felt he didn't enjoy anything anymore. One day, while he was out sailing with his crew, Varuna's ship ended up snagging onto Spawny, a starfish monster who just got powers from Stardust. While Varuna tried to get him off the boat, Spawny opened his tentacles and squirted water all over Varuna, not only turning him into Varupapu, but returning his soul. As thanks, Spawny was allowed onto Varupapu's crew.
  • Turtlelion's backstory combines Heartwarming and Tearjerker. He was the son of a wealthy merchant who managed to run his father's business more successfully than he was, completely losing touch with reality and isolating himself. However, the attack on the Light Kingdom by the Corrupted Army caused him to see the shocking reality of what they were dealing with, breaking his heart and changing him forever, resulting in him using his resources not only to rebuild the Light Kingdom but also ensuring that those who had lost everything did not go to bed in the streets or with an empty stomach, ever.
  • Jack Russael was a Jack Russell terrier who served as the protector of a weak, yet kind monster and did everything in his power to protect him, even sacrificing himself to save his master. This moved the Celestial Legions' faction so much that they revived him as an angel for his deeds and recruited him for their ranks.
  • All three of the Ancestors stories are heartwarming incarnate, and for good reasons. To recap...
    • Griffania Ironwings, the ancestor of the Righteous Court faction and the Light Kingdom, was rescued from a swarm of Griffexs by King Yerex, who raised the creature until their village was destroyed by the Dark Army. After this, Yerex and Griffania worked together to build an alliance and create the Light Kingdom, where Griffania served as its protector until Yerex's death.
    • Theton Tideborn, the ancestor of the Sea Old Guard faction and grandfather to Warmaster Thalassa, helped the city of Atlantis after it sank due to the corruption of the city's officials, one of whom was the Lord of Atlantis. After aiding the citizens in breathing underwater and rebuilding the city, he took in the Lord of Atlantis as an advisor and soldier, helping to redeem him to the present day. He would later abdicate the throne for his daughter Thenia, and help raise his granddaughter Thalassa after she became an orphan.
    • Robur Oldenshield, the ancestor of the Pure Gaia faction, created the Cardinal Forest from a plot of land. However, due to the separation between the Wicked Gaia and the Pure Gaia factions, he would leave due to the fallout blighting both his body and the forest, stopping the blight but causing the magic unique to him to disappear. Centuries later, the leaders of the separate factions, Zahra and Anwrikah, would bury the hatchet and make a potion using the mixed saps of their sides of the forest, curing not only the forest but Robur himself.
  • Most of the monsters spawned from the Abyssal Era are great monsters and have some of the most heartwarming stories to date. Here's a recap of some of the stories that are just overflowing with joy.
    • Sir Weosule was the squire to King Charmless when he saved Griffania Ironwings from the Dark Army, who planned to turn her into a meal, doing so with his quick thinking. As a reward, he was promoted to full knighthood.
    • Deepdoom was once Dorzorg, the unknown brother of the rebels Frosilka and Korzorg, who didn't share their views. Sneaking out to join Thalassa's army, she originally ordered him removed from the throne room after he swore loyalty to her. It was only after saving her from an attack by Frosilka that she allowed him to join her army as a soldier and gave him his new name.
    • Surgenia is a robot pirate who met Admiral Copperbeard when he was trying to steal an obsidian sword in the Tri-Cluster region. After accompanying him and helping him steal the sword, Copperbeard convinced her to join the Curse of the Cosmos, while she convinced him to be her lover.
    • Owlinia is an owl mage working for the Light Kingdom who became devoted to the Ancestors' lore after discovering a picture of Griffania Ironwings in one of her mother's books. King Daeron II heard about this and offered her a position many dreamed of: becoming the representative of Griffania Ironwings herself!
    • One of the many positive things about Varupapu getting his soul back was his finding his soulmate in the form of Varumamu, who is not only his wife but also the mother of his child, Varulinis. Not only is she fiercely protective of her husband, she's also protective of her offspring.
