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Heartwarming / Harry and the Shipgirls

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Crowning Moments of Heartwarming

  • Natsumi's confession of love to Harry. Doubles as a Tear Jerker since Harry is still too damaged to respond to her verbally, but she senses his emotions as she holds him in their kitsune-tsuki soul merger while reassuring him that it is OK that he can't respond with his own statement of love.
  • Pennsylvania cutting steel from her own armor belt and keel to heal the critically injured Kiyoshimo who took a spread of torpedoes meant to sink Pennsy at Saint Kitts.
  • Etsumi's reunion with his wife Yodogawa and his daughter Kinryuu.note 
  • Ron's birthday present to Warspite, especially the poem he wrote for her, mirroring the famous one about her fate.
  • Gellert Grindelwald, of all people, gets one. When visited by Dumbledore and Victory to ask for advice on horcruxes, after their conversation was done, the man showed that he genuinely cared about Dumbledore simply by asking Victory to take care of him.
  • Delilah and Zamarad going to see Disney's original release of Aladdin ended up curing Robin Williams of his LBD thanks to introducing the Jinn to his works, specifically his role as the Genie.
    Robin Williams was frozen in shock as the stranger clasped his hand and shook it.

    His grip was incredibly hot and he could see flames flickering in the man's dark pupils as he felt a sudden internal wrench (when, unknown to him then or later, his destiny was changed for the better as the Lewy Body Disease was healed). "I wish to grant you a gift. You shall have a long and happy life full of mirth and love until the final day when you are called to your eternal reward. Just be sure that your movies are distributed in Arabia as a favor to me and my extended family!"

    As the stranger released his hand, Williams found his voice."Who, who are you?" He got out.

    The stranger suddenly turned bright blue and his snow-white beard turned jet black.

    He gave the stunned comedian a cheeky smile full of joy. "You know who I am... and you honored me with your portrayal of me, Robin Williams. Allah ma'ak!" (May Allah be with you)

    Then, in a puff of magical blue flame, Sultan Muṣṭafā Ervidad of the Children of Fire vanished in the space between heartbeats.
  • Claire and Tony's relationship with the two falling in love at almost their first meeting, and serenading each other with music to inspire and elevate their partner to become all that they can possibly be as they do what they love more than life itself. This is best summed up by their joy being with their soulmate doing what they love so dearly at the moment of their mutual Heroic Sacrifice.
    The final note was played in Claire and Tony's lifelong duet while they happily smiled at each other one last time as the sky burned.
  • The Butterknife Kannazuki 2014 arc is made of heartwarming in the main.
    • Colombe is reunited with her adopted father who she has been striving to live up to the example he unknowingly set for her for centuries who tells her that he is So Proud of You note , and meets her mother Julie d'Aubigny (who died giving birth to her) for the first time, plus is reunited with two of her dearest long-dead friends/lovers in Ian and Lyra Potter.
    • In turn Norimune is reunited with the spirit of her first great lost love Julie d'Aubigny whose death nearly shattered her, and then has her issues with believing that she was rejected for unworthiness addressed by her smith in front of Hachiman's court.note  She even gets to punch Hachiman in the nose for some of the situations she got into and also beats up a war criminal who commanded her in China!
    • Meanwhile Tokunotakai (who was smithed by a descendant smith of Masamune's school) is formally accepted by Masamune as a creation of hisnote , is reunited with her mentor in swordsmanship Miyamoto Musashi, and arranges for the the twin blade spirits Tsukino and Tsukiko to be adopted as her nieces when Masamune agrees to smith new steel bodies for them to experience the Mortal plane.
  • The far future snip showing Draco Malfoy's death after a long life well lived has two moments of this.
    • First, Draco's last moments of his life with Ehren as she sits the deathwatch for him as an act of love for the man who mended her broken heart.
      His wandering eyes found and were caught by the silver-framed magical photograph that she had brought here from his desk which showed a much, much younger him in the first flush of manhood kissing Ehren's teenage avatar at the Yule Ball as his three other great loves watched with smiles of joy on their faces.

      Ehren hadn't outwardly changed much over the centuries since their first dance after they had finally confessed their love to each other.... The hand of Time had touched her lightly, making her wheat blond hair ripen to a slightly more lustrous gold, adding a touch more curve and plumpness in her hips and bosom as she had progressed from the young maiden whom he had wed, to a mother dozens of times over, then finally the unquestioned matriarch of his sprawling family... and, most noticeable to him, softening her eyes from the pain and guilt filled sapphires that they had been at their first meeting. To one such as him, he could best see the touch of passing Time, of their shared memories and experiences good and bad, pleasant and painful, in the steel-blue depths of her old, wise, gentle eyes in her forever beautiful youthful face.

      He closed his eyes and breathed out a sigh filled with memory and serene melancholy before opening them again. "Good. Thank you. Ehren... before I depart from you, there's something that I need to confess. One last sharing of secrets... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this before when we had more time."

      She squeezed his hand, feeling him squeeze hers back with a waning tithe of his normal strength. "What is it, Draco?" She asked in a gentle, accepting voice.

      "When I realized that you were the one for me back in Fourth Year, I— " Another cough interrupted him and he struggled to get the next words out. "I also realized that I was going to be your great second chance to get it right. To redeem what you see as your great failure. To become the hero that you needed and deserved. Did I...?" Speaking that confession seemed to have taken all the strength he had left in him, and he looked at her with the silent question that he no longer had the strength to ask as he coughed weakly.

      "You did. You always did, Draco. If.... If I could go back in time to choose between Vati as I wish that he had been for me and you, I'd still choose you once more, my beloved Hero." Then she leaned forward and kissed him lovingly. "You've done all you have been asked to do by me and all the others — and more — now rest and sleep Draco. And when you wake up in the Land of Youth, I and the others will be journeying to meet you again."
    • Then, after Draco's reunion with Ehren and his other loved ones in the afterlife thanks to his wives using Loophole Abuse to join him (because they are actually manifested ship and weapons spirits), Ehren is surprised by her long-dead father's presence after she is invited to visit Valhalla by Neville Longbottom.

      Ehren gave Neville a curious look over her glass of Kormoran Imperium Prunum Baltic Porter (from the Prussian part of Poland), then her eyes massively widened as a familiar man — as familiar as the face of her husband, co-wives, children, mother, or best big piano sister — appeared out of the celebrating and fighting throng. She teared up at the sight of Helmar von und zu Wolff in his black dress uniform — which was now missing the Nazi iconography that she had removed from her own hilt as part of her long and hard road to redeeming herself.

      She stood on trembling legs and dashed through the chaos of Valhalla into her long-dead father's loving embrace.

      "Vati, du bist hier...! Du bist wirklich hier bei mir! (Daddy, you're here...! You're really here with me!)"

      His tears of love and pride soaked her hair as she desperately clung to him while he lovingly patted her hair before gently raising her chin so she could look him in the eyes.

      "Ja, meine geliebte Tochter, ich bin für dich da, und wir werden nie mehr wirklich getrennt sein. Deine wahre und reine Liebe zu mir hat mich vor der Hölle gerettet, und dank deiner Gebete um Gottes Gnade bin ich aus dem Fegefeuer befreit worden. Ich bin so stolz auf dich und auf das, was du als Heldin und Waffe des Helden aus dir gemacht hast, Ehren. Willst du deinem Vati nicht seinen Schwiegersohn und seine Schwiegertöchter vorstellen? Ich würde gerne alles über dich, sie und meine Enkelkinder aus deinem Munde hören, Ehren du Chasteler, meine immer ehrenhafte und treue Tochter. Ich habe den Glücksegen einer Tochter wie dir wirklich nicht verdient. (Yes, my beloved daughter, I'm here for you and we shall never truly be parted any longer. Your true and pure love for me has saved me from Hell, and I have been released from Purgatory thanks to your prayers for God's grace. I'm so proud of you and what you have made of yourself as a heroine and hero's weapon, Ehren. Now, aren't you going to introduce your daddy to his son-in-law and daughters-in-law? I'd like to hear all about you, them, and my grandchildren from your own lips, Ehren du Chasteler, my ever honorable and faithful daughter. I... truly didn't deserve the blessing of a daughter such as you.)"
  • Masamune-no-Fudō realizing that she would never truly be separated from her beloved Master after not just one but two prior tragic deaths that she was unable to prevent.
    Fudō's overjoyed grin split her face and tears of delight fell from her sparkling eyes to water the grass underneath her flashing feet, matched by Her Master's matching grin and falling tears as they danced once more as one in perfect communion and harmony.

    A dance set to the music of their hearts beating as one and the sounds of her Masamune steel clashing with her beloved little sister's true body in His hands as the joy of the Way that bound them all filled their souls to bursting.

    And the joy of the love binding her to him and him to her eternally.

    Two lives tied together with this red string of love and loyalty, honor and devotion, bushido and shared precious, fleeting, imperishable moments over three lifetimes now that even death and the turnings of the Wheel of Reincarnation would never sever.​
