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Heartwarming / Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

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  • When Linkara plans to go take care of the problem himself, his friends offer to help him. Saying that unlike other producers, he hasn't tricked them into anything.
  • The conversation that MarzGurl and Linkara have during Part 3. The former assuring Linkara he can trust them.
  • The scene with Marzgurl & Pollo. Marzgurl admits that it is getting a bit much, but when Pollo questions why she does not use the Scout Ship to return to Earth, her response...
    Marzgurl: Because my friends are in trouble and they need my help. When people need my help, I'm going to be them for them!
  • Seeing Joe sleeping with the bear that Linkara says was a big part of his childhood. That is surprisingly sweet.
  • The scene where Linkara refinds his purpose and Allen is revived.
  • Linkara and his friends firing the magic gun. The power of friendship is strong here, no doubt.
  • Linkara using the field to revive the astronaut Mechakara killed.
  • Linkara at the end, saying his opening line. Reminding us all that he is going to keep doing what he loves doing.
  • Lupa getting to know and learning to respect 90's Kid, formerly known as Evelyn.
