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Headscratchers / Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie

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  • Why did Comicron-1 do so pathetically badly against the enemy ship? Mechakara only had control of that ship for a very short while, all the improvements and changes had to improvised from scrap, and while he had a MacGuffin it was constantly running out of power. Yet he was able to almost effortlessly take out Lord Vyce's ship. Linkara's crew might have been incompetent, but it's balanced because he's barely ever needed a crew before at all.
    • Not a complete answer, but an incompetent crew is probably worse than none at all. With no crew, Linkara has to do everything himself, but he also knows everything that's going on. With a bad crew, he's delegating tasks and relying on others to do them correctly, which is not a good assumption to be making in the heat of battle. As noted in the next entry, Allen really should have stepped in here and grounded the guest stars as unqualified.
  • Why on Earth was Allen okay with taking a group of completely inexperienced and unqualified civilians on an important government mission? They were racing against time to save missing astronauts, not going out for pizza. Allen was there when the guest stars were begging to go, so he must have known they weren't the ship's normal crew.
    • Allen also knows that they're all internet reviewers who all have experience dealing with crazy sci-fi and supernatural shit, not to mention that a few of them have been out to Jupiter before. While they may technically be civilians, they're incredibly experienced civilians who just so happen to have the skills necessary for that day's particular brand of crazy.
      • Except not really. Most of the reviewers on the mission barely have "character", let alone "crazy sci-fi and supernatural stuff". Outside of Nostalgia Critic, the only reviewers who have "seen shit" in their own shows are Angry Video Game Nerd, Spoony and Phelous. Most other reviewers have no "experience" barring the Anniversary Movies. And considering most of them see their "experience" as just "skits" (keep in mind that we have no Watsonian explanation for why Phelous isn't immortal anymore, only that "he retired the skit"), it's doubtful whether they could put their "experience" to good use.
      • Nash may have been driven insane by the news, but he also is friends with a living stick figure, an extremely powerful alien capable of rebooting the universe, a gunsmith so incredible (and insane) that he violates the laws of physics on a daily basis, and once was involved in the stopping of pants from killing all of humanity. On top of all that, he’s a spiteful, rage filled dick that’s canonically the evil version. Do you want to not include someone who intentionally makes himself explode with rage on a daily basis when he has friends like that? For all you know, he could send Florida after you. Also, according to the WTFIWWY live episode with Space Guy, reviewverse Tara is a fallen angel. Honestly it’s just a good idea to keep him around.
