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Headscratchers / The Casagrandes

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  • In "Vacation Daze", the problem of Maria's Sleep Deprivation is solved by Ronnie Anne allowing her to take a nap, and the lack of quality time is resolved by Maria promising to spend a proper day with Ronnie Anne (and presumably make sure she's not tired) next time. But what about Carl's glue and Arturo's rash?
    • Arturo's a doctor. He can handle it himself. Carl just glued a train to the seat of his pants. Rosa or Frida could've taken care of that.
  • At the end of "Operation Popstar", after regaining his memory and singing a duet with Alisa, Yoon Kwan signs a poster for Ronnie Anne and Sid and blows them a kiss before leaving with his band. Signing a poster is one thing but doesn't blowing a couple of underage girls a kiss like that come off as creepy?
  • So in "Stress Test" Bobby is taking the BATs instead of the SATs or ACTs. Sounds fair, but as seen in "Future Tense", the actual SATs exist in The Loud House. Does Great Lakes City have its own testing standards separate from Royal Woods?
  • In "Cursed!", the Casagrandes are all forced to sleep in Lynn and Lucy's room, with Ronnie Anne, Hector, and Rosa in Lucy's bed, Maria, Carlota, and Lalo in Lynn's, and the rest in Lucy's coffins. So where were Lynn and Lucy bunking that night?
    • Probably Lincoln's room, just like at the end of the Loud House episode "Space Invader".
  • In "New Roomie", some family members are seen waiting for Vito to finish up in the bathroom. But the Casagrandes live in two apartments smooshed into one property; so logically, shouldn't they have two bathrooms?
    • It was only Bobby and Ronnie Anne who were waiting for the bathroom. They later pawn off Vito onto their relatives in the other apartment, which is later shown to have its own bathroom.
  • In "A Very Casagrandes Christmas", Lincoln mentions that the Louds were picking up Lori from college. But doesn't Lori have her own car now?
    • Maybe Eliza was also broken down. And besides, it used to be Mr. Grouse's, although it probably breaks down less often as Vanzilla does.
  • Does Bobby dislike cats or not? He claims he hates cats in "What's Love Gato Do with It?" yet he's dating Lori, who owns a cat. Also, his sister Ronnie Anne is seen watching cat videos with Lincoln (Lori's brother) in "The Horror-Scope," so she doesn't seem to hate cats in the same way the rest of her family does. In addition, a later episode shows Bobby wearing cat pajamas.
    • The cat pajamas were just an attempt to be popular.
    • It's also possible that Bobby and the other Casagrandes only hate the street cats, especially since Season 3 reveals that their favorite soccer team is Los Gatos.
