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Headscratchers / Super Why!

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  • Where the heck do the Why-Flyers go when they're not in use?
    • Probably somewhere in the bookshelf? The Super Readers probably park them. It’s magic.
  • Why don't the characters just use their powers to fix the problem from the beginning?
    • Perhaps the powers only work in the books?
    • Because Storybrook Village is sort of a "hub" so to speak, for literature, sort of like Game Central Station in Wreck-It Ralph is a hub for video games. Storybrook Village is supposed to be a "safe zone" for literary characters, a place where everyone can relax and live comfortably without their own stories interfering with their free will. It's probably a rule that all Reality Warper characters, such as Super Why, should avoid using their own powers, lest the "safe zone" become unsafe.
      • Or even better. Super Why's power is the power to read and change words to solve problems. If Storybrook Village is a free-will safe zone with no author, then that means there are no words to read and change.
  • So whenever the Super Readers go into Little Red Riding Hood, Red will go "Hey, this is my story." Same goes for Whyatt with Jack and the Beanstalk, and Princess Pea with The Princess and the Pea. But when the Super Readers go to The Three Little Pigs, why doesn't Pig acknowledge that this is his story? Oddly, the sequel episode to The Three Little Pigs does have Pig acknowledge this fact.
    • That was his dad and his brothers.
  • Why is More Man framed as a villain? All he does is add the letter 'S' to the end of words to make more of them. He's not doing anything particularly heinous. If he was to do stuff like make more atomic bombs or more guns, that would be bad, but I don't see anything wrong with having more boats or more dogs (I'm referring to the Comic Book Adventures episode "More More Man," where More Man making more boats is seen as a bad thing).
    • It be way too many things. The Eraser erased words from signs and they disappeared.
  • How does the tooth fairy remember that Whyatt wanted to keep his tooth if he explained it to her in a book?
  • Why did Aladdin decide to wish for a flying rug? Rug was already alive in the Disney film.
    • Except that not all of the stories featured in Super Why are based on the Disney versions. It would be plagiarism if they took everything from Disney.
      • Couldn’t they have made Aladdin wanting to be rich. They excluded Abu.
  • Why is More Man so different in Comic Book Adventures?
    • My guess is that it's to make him more colorful like the other literary villains.
      • Same goes with The Eraser.
  • Where are Alpha Pig and Woofster in Comic Book Adventures?
    • Strangely enough, they actually addressed Alpha Pig's absence by claiming that he's on vacation. Don't know about Woofster.
      • The other Super Readers haven’t aged a bit, have they? If they have, Woofster shouldn’t be old enough to die.
  • How did Paige join the Super Readers?
  • Why did Whyatt change "Puppy" to "Woofster" like his Super Reader counterpart. He didn’t like to name his dog "Puppy"?
  • Why didn’t Red bring her puppy to befriend Woofster in "The Unhappy Puppy"?
