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Headscratchers / Replicas

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  • So the ending of the film is nice and all but how. A big issue was made that they only had the 3 pods but if time wasn't a factor why not just wait and have the whole family.
    • This is explained shortly after William and Ed steal the pods to clone the family. Time WAS a factor, because their failing experiments were going to cause their project to be shut down. If the project gets shut down, all materials are reclaimed; when they find the pods are missing, there will be investigations. Their timeframe is seventeen days, lining up to how long the clones need to gestate inside the pods, giving them only one chance to clone three bodies if Subject 345 ends up being the final failure that causes Bionyne to shut down.
  • Matt's clone is shown lacking hand-eye coordination at times, it's brought up once or twice and never addressed again. Was the original Matt just as clumsy? Is this clumsiness a result of side effects of the cloning process, or a side effect of his memories of Zoe being deleted?
