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Headscratchers / 1000 Ways to Die

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  • Just wondering how true are these stories that are told in the show, cause I saw "Way to Die #948: Titti Titti Bang Bang" and as I remind Mythbusters proved this can't happen.
    • 1. They tested actual breast implants; the ones she got were fake.
    • 2. This happened to a woman in Russia, but she lived.
      • If it did happen can you tell my the full story?
  • Did "Way to Die #701: Steward-Death" actually happen? I'm an aviation fan, I've been informing myself about air disasters with it's investigations and never heard about this. Plus it says is happened in 1998 and as I know the last sudden de-compression where a flight attendant was sucked out occured in 1988 in Aloha flight 243.
    • The death is based on Aloha Flight 243. The name, location and date were changed.
      • They did that because the family didn't wanted the show to talk about him. But you can know it's him if you search well.
  • In "Dill D'Oh", the person who dies is a nursing home manager who hates old people. If he dislikes dealing with the elderly, why is he managing a nursing home? It might make sense if he enjoyed being cruel to them, but that doesn't seem to be the case. He seems more annoyed at having to deal with them than anything.
    • Very few people have the luxury of being able to work in a setting they find completely ideal to their likes, dislikes, and values. Most people work jobs they're not necessarily crazy about just because they are capable of performing the work and those jobs are available and they've got bills to pay.
    • Plus he might have been rearing with enthusiasm when his job started. Years of wiping old arse is enough to crush the spirit of anyone.
  • "Drunk Die-er": The drunk driver who was still alive and had to not only watch his organs being harvested before they took out his heart, but feel every second of it. How do we know he's alive when there are no life signs actually? And how come highly trained doctors are so stupid to not notice he was alive either?
    • And if he died of it, how do we know he was still alive until they took his heart out?
    • There is a horror story similar to this, except mercifully the story ended just before they performed the actual autopsy and the guy just suffered a broken neck after falling off a tall building.
    • Easy solution: While the specific identity of someone who experienced this is unknown, it's common enough that it can be assumed to have happened at least once.
      • The exact scenario depicted on the show hasn't actually happened. However, there have been multiple cases of people waking up in the morgue, during their own autopsy, or when their organs were starting to be harvested. As with most of the other deaths on the show, the writers probably took several real-life cases, combined them, and changed the details to make the story more "sensational".
  • "Bushwhacked 3: Waxed Offed": The bitchy redhead at the Korean spa who died when doused with the water from the sprinkler system had a condition called aquagenic urticaria, which, in layman's terms, means "a deadly allergic reaction to water")... then how on Earth did this woman ever get properly clean, or even drink water with no ill effects?
    • People with this condition can only take 5 minute showers (or use baby wipes and dry shampoo), and can only drink milk or unconcentrated fruit juice. The fire extinguisher was far more powerful than your average shower.
  • "Gone Fission": who put the terrorists into the hospital beds? They were in no status to call for help, let alone crawl into bed. Even if someone found them, who would be able to go near them without getting irradiated themselves?
  • "Vat's All Folks": What were the ex-cons so disgusted about with the acid vat? They knew that they were disposing the body, why does it matter how?
    • Last minute guilt kicked in perhaps?
    • They probably thought they were reburying the body somewhere else. The acid vat was either too dangerous or too gross for them, or both.
