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Headscratchers / Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

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As a Headscratchers subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • What do the blue lights released from Jason when he dies signify?
    • Widely interpreted as the souls of his victims going free, finally able to pass to the afterlife.

  • Why does Jason flee when the police arrive at Diana's house?
    • Presumably the longer he uses a body the more vulnerable he becomes so he has been using that body too long and does not want to risk fighting it out.

  • How can people fight Jason hand to hand and survive in this movie? We've seen him punch heads clean off in previous films?
    • Presumably he is weaker when newly resurrected or using other people's bodies? Notably the Crystal Lake Sheriff whom we assumed was dead after being struck was just knocked out so other victims may too just be rendered unconscious.

  • How sentient is Jason here?
    • He's certainly smart enough to speak whilst possessing the Deputy's body and presumably even drive a car to get to the Vorhees house?

  • Only a relative of Jason can destroy him, right? What would have happened if the coroner had destroyed the heart instead of eating it? Would Jason still come back somehow? What if you cremate all of Jason's remains?
    • I guess they're going for: "the coroner simply could not have overcome his urge to eat that heart, nor could anyone not of Voorhees blood." Assuming your hypothetical is a possibility, maybe someone inhales some dust from Jason's cremated ashes or something, and the same result happens.

  • Why does Jason's spirit look like a chestburster or eel type thing? Why not just some kind of ghostly version of Jason?
    • The director of that installment was trying to write around trademarks to suggest Jason was a deadite from the Evil Dead franchise. Hence you can make the argument that was the deadite that has been controlling Jason's dead body or basically the Jason we know is a combination of the real kid Jason who drowned and that deadite's fusing together. The evil spirit also looks remarkably like the "Dream Demons" we see in Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare which we know shares a universe with the Friday the 13th series.
