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Funny / The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

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  • The meeting to nominate the delegates. Especially "The Bar's Closed" Running Gag.
    • Or Tom justifying his nomination of Rance "not only because he knows the law but because he throws a good punch!" Tom would know, being on the receiving end.
  • Peabody ranting to himself drunkenly in his office, even down to talking to the jug.
    • For Black Comedy: When he returns to the office and continues rambling...and lights the lamp to reveal Valance in crew.
    • "Liberty Valance taking liberties...with the liberty of the press?!"
  • "I'll get it, Liberty!" Cue Tom kicking the Mook away.
  • When the Doc is shown Valance on the street lifeless, he calls for "Whiskey!" like it's a medical order. And then he drinks it.
    • And then he casually turns Valance over with his foot and says, "Dead."
    • Bear in mind, earlier that same evening, the Doc said to Liberty Valance's face he looked forward to the day he could declare him dead, and that he'd even do it for free (tossing Liberty's coins back at him). He lived up to his promise, but he wasn't inclined to put much effort into it.
  • During the statehood convention, the ranchers have a staged rally to humble the homesteaders, complete with a horse-riding sign waver storming onto the stage. While the rider puts on a rodeo show much to the judge's anger, the horse quickly takes a drink from the judge's water pitcher.
    • As the rancher's political stooge stands there smiling during the lasso stunt, one of the homesteaders shouts out "Now that you got a rope around him, hang the horse thief!"
    • The orator who nominates said stooge starts by taking out a piece of paper, than crumpling it up, throwing it away, and declaring his intent to speak from the heart. As he starts speaking the person who caught it opens it, revealing it to be completely blank.
