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Funny / The Hunchback of Notre Dame II

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  • In Sarouch's first scene he tries to introduce his audience to Madalaine and opens the box...which is empty. After three more tries, the audience points out that nobody is in the disappearing box!
    Sarousch: Please welcome my lovely assistant Mad— [opens the magic box, it's empty; Sarouch closes it and tries again] Let me introduce my assistant Made—[Box is still empty] My lovely assi—(Box is still empty)
    Kid 1: It's empty!
    Kid 2: There's no one there!
    Sarousch: Uh-uh-uh... Of course not! You have to come to the circus to see her! Ta-ta! [disappears to his cabin]
  • While Sarouch is in the process of stealing the jeweled bell La Fidel, he chants a bunch of long flashy magic words to perform a disappearing spell on it. His two mooks, each wearing the face of comedy and the face of tragedy masks, do eye rolls. Makes it funnier to see one is rolling his eyes with a smiley mask, the other with a frowny mask.
  • This little gem from the Gargoyles at the beginning where they watch the love festival.
    Victor: Ah, observe the rituals of courtship as citizens gather two by two.
    Laverne: Oh, looks like there's someone for everyone.
    Hugo: Oh, yeah. Too bad there's only one of me to go around, eh?
    Laverne: Ha! One is plenty. Believe me.
    Hugo: Thanks. Hey! Was that a shot?!
    Laverne: Maybe.
    Laverne: No!
    Hugo: TAKE THAT— (Laverne punches him in the face; muffled) ...back.
  • Also counts as heartwarming, but Madellaine has a point when she laughs at Quasimodo hiding beneath a bell. It does look like he's wearing a ridiculously giant hat!
  • The gargoyles encouraging Quasimodo to talk to Madellaine.
    Quasimodo: (Whispering) What do I say?
    Victor: Open your mouth, something will come out.
    Quasimodo: (Still whispering, stutters incoherently)
    Hugo: Nothing came out.
  • Achilles can count. Specifically, he can count all the times Phoebus has ever been wrong. Especially whenever Phoebus asks himself rhetorically.
  • The outfit Quasimodo wears on his date with Madellaine. Apparently, he inherited Frollo's wardrobe.
  • While drying herself from the rain and changing into dry clothes, the gargoyles try to give Quasimodo's home a romantic atmosphere with violin and such. Sounds normal enough from Madeline's perspective. But when she lets out a sneeze from being cold and wet, the gargoyles say "Gesundheit". Madeline responds with a casual "Thank you." ...before the whole place goes silent at the realization that she heard the gargoyles!
    • What's more, Victor stops his violin playing in a manner that can only be described as the Late 1400s equivalent of the Record Needle Scratch.
  • Quasimodo gives Madellaine a small wooden figurine he made of her, and she kisses him on the forehead, before leaving. Quasi's body goes completely stiff as he watches her go.
    Laverne: Oh, it does my heart good to see our boy like that.
    Victor: Yep. He does seem to have a certain savior-faire.
    (Quasi faints)
    Hugo: I hope it's not contagious.
  • Sarousch being arrested, reduced to being without his wig or his truss. In a way, this is a Shout-Out to the first movie, where Hugo suspected Frollo wore a truss.
