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Funny / Switched at Birth

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  • Toby's attempt to do Bay's name sign, with excessive primping and hair tossing.
    Emmett: That's your sign for Bay?
  • Toby's first attempts to use sign language:
    Emmett: This is "gun". This is "sister".
  • Wilke running out of the car wash after betting Toby $20 he could go through.
    Wilke: I feel used. I wish you'd use me more often.
  • Kathryn signing "make out" instead of "make coffee" to Daphne.
    Kathryn: I just asked our daughter to make out with me.
  • One of Bay's ditzy classmates misunderstanding what "switched at birth" means:
    "I just met Daphne. She is so cool! But I don't understand. Why doesn't she look like you?"
    "You do know the difference between "separated at birth" and "switched at birth", right?"
  • "If vampires can date humans, I really feel like Deaf people can date hearing. At least, neither of us wants to suck the other's blood."
  • Bay signing "get circumcised" instead of "hang out" to Melody.
  • Emmett being asked if he speaks English.
    Emmett: [Signed] No, Japanese.
  • The results of the case against the hospital, in a way: in favor of the plaintiffs in both cases. $1 for the Kennishes, $5 million for Angelo.
  • After Angelo buys everyone expensive gifts, John complains that he's being cliché:
    John: How 'bout that car? Is that a cliché? Win a bunch of money, buy a sports car.
    Kathryn: Want me to put the [golf] clubs in your Porsche?
  • Melody comes home a day early from a trip to find Travis and her son, Emmett, entertaining two girls, who think that Melody is Emmett's older ex-girlfriend. She declares that she's not sure what the boys are to have learned from the experience, but asks that they all declare they learned it, and to never speak of it again.
  • An immigration officer surprises the Kennishes with a visit to make sure Regina moved out of her room there to live with Angelo, which she hadn't. Daphne and Travis try to hide Regina's personal things, but the officer comes upstairs before they're done. Daphne brings the officer to Regina's room to find Travis stripped naked with a towel around his waist. The officer asked if he lives there:
    Travis: No, I just like to walk around in a towel at other people's houses. What do you think? So, if you don't mind, I'd like to go back to my shower - unless you'd like to do my back.
  • Upon finding out she's actually a Latina by heritage, with her biological relatives Regina and Adrianna being first-language Spanish speakers, the first thing Bay remarks is she shouldn't have taken 9 years of French (instead of Spanish) classes in school.
  • When Bay is reflecting upon the shock of finding out she has been switched at birth, the most shocking thing about "the life she could have had" apparently is… that her middle name would have been "Paloma".
