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Funny / SpaceCamp

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  • Kevin's Establishing Character Moment, when Zach confronts him after he parked in his spot.
    Zach Bergstrom: You want SpaceCamp?
    Kevin Donaldson: No. My father wanted SpaceCamp, but I want my head examined. But it was worth it for the car, don't you think?
  • Rudy accidentally mistakes Andie for a Drill Sergeant Nasty.
    Andie: Name?
    Rudy: (while chewing gum) Rudy Tyler, Ma'am.
    Andie: Spit it out, Rudy.
    Rudy: RUDY TYLER, MA'AM!
    Andie: ...I meant the gum, Rudy.
  • Tish doesn't handle the shuttle launch as well as the others.
    Tish: (whimpering) I feel sick... We're gonna die... (opens her eyes and sees the others floating in zero gravity) We're already dead...
  • Grim as the situation has just gotten, Zach can appreciate the sheer absurdity of it when asked what to tell the press.
    Zach: Tell 'em the truth: we launched my wife and five kids from the SpaceCamp. They'll never believe it.
  • While trying to solve the depleting oxygen problem.
    Andie: Come on, everybody, let's think, where are we going to get more oxygen?
    Kevin: I could run down to the 7-Eleven.
    Tish: Great, Kev.
  • Max can't help himself and references Star Wars when he rescues Andie.
    Max: (Andie does a Jump Scare in surprise) It's me! I'm here to rescue you!note 
  • When Kathryn starts doubting her ability to land the shuttle, Kevin takes the cue-card book from her says he'll do it. Then, he casually ask Tish (who has a Photographic Memory) if she ever read a book about flying a shuttle.
