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Funny / running with lightning feet

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  • Agen Kolar is mentioned to be fond of explosives. And dramatic entrances. Often combining the two.
    • His clone commander Fil is apparently just as bad. Both of them are so bad that high command dropped them into the Separatists' lap just to get them away from the Republic. Then the two mavericks came back in glory, and the admirals were almost driven to tears.
  • Sinker gives a ration bar to Feral, unlocking his cuffs to let him eat and mentioning he would fully empathize with the prisoner's possible decision to murder him after tasting the cardboard-flavoured ration.
    Plo Koon: I thought they all suffered from that unfortunate affliction.
    Sinker: Yeah, but this one tastes like cardboard that someone’s already chewed for you.
    • Warthog swapping Feral's ration bar with a tastier one, because forcing him to eat the carboard-flavour is nothing but a crime.
    • Feral confesses he actually likes the ration bars. Wolffe now has verbal proof that the prisoner is bullshitting him.
  • Comet taking a look at Feral and perfectly summing him up: "You're sure that's a Sith?"
    • He then proceeds to live up to his Commander's accusations of him being a loudmouth by saying exactly the wrong thing and reducing Feral to tears. Warthog is not impressed by his attempt to rectify this.
  • Comet and Warthog have been instructed to "keep a vigilant watch over the Sith we currently have imprisoned into the brig". Obviously, they interpret this as palling up with Feral and have to scramble to avoid to be caught in flagrante delicto of fraternization by Plo Koon... who can see right through their awkward attempts to save face.
  • Plo Koon openly declares Agen Kolar — he of the Big Entrance, mass explosions and fist-fighting with Hutts — is cute. Comet is incredulous.
  • After learning Zabraks were originally feline, Comet asks Feral to purr for him. Poor young thing almost jumps to the roof and is so flustered that Wolffe has to reprimand his trooper for dirty talking.
    • Being corrected doesn't slake Comet's ardor, who immediately wonders if he can use it as a pick-up line for Agen Kolar — because have you seen these thermal detonators, ohmigosh! In-Universe, the mental image is enough to make Feral burst out laughing.
    • Wolffe's resigned despair throughout the whole incident — you can see that he's used to his men being dumbnuts.
    “Look,” he says pointedly. “You made the Sith laugh. Congratulations. Now can you finally pretend to do your job?”
  • Payback grouses his job would be so much easier if only medical scanners had a long-distance setting. Sinker fires back that the medic would never accept one as it would deprive him from the opportunity to annoy his patients in person.
  • Comet bitching he's not the New Meat anymore, so stop picking on him already! The other troopers actually know that, but since they don't have a proper shiny at hand, the youngest of them will make-do.
  • Yes, Payback needed to call Feral pet names — otherwise, Wolffe wouldn't have been annoyed.
  • After constating that Feral is much more at ease practicing with the Light Side, Plo Koon decides to persuade the young Zabrak to become a Jedi. Wolffe's reaction is less than optimist:
    Wolffe: The Council is going to dangle you from the chambers by your ankles.
    Plo Koon: Perhaps. But there are several loopholes that I can use, and Mace will admire the audacity.
    Wolffe: (thought) General Windu is going to be the one pushing you out the window.
  • Wolffe is tasked with bringing Feral to Plo Koon's quarters for meditation. The young Zabrak decides to open himself to the clone on several painful subjects, and Wolffe is so overwhelmed by feelings he outright drags Feral to Koon's door then throws him to the Master Jedi's head. Both Force-Sensitives find it hilarious, to the Commander's dismay.
  • On guard duty, Tracer and Boost decide to confirm the rumor about Zabraks having Innate Night Vision. Results: no, the troopers didn't see Wolffe coming from behind to punish them for goofing around, but Feral did.
    • Tracer tries to present this as assessing the enemy's abilities. It doesn't save him.
  • How to convince Wolffe to lighten a punishment: piss Payback off instead, and Wolffe will override The Medic's ruling out of sheer spite.
  • Anakin Skywalker is apparently so bad at hiding his romantic interest in Senator Amidala that not only the clones know everything about it, Sinker is sure it's a criminal offense in thirteen systems. At least.
  • Wolffe's answer to Feral begging to be killed after being Brainwashed and Crazy is that the Zabrak didn't strike him as the overdramatic type. Feral almost laughs and concedes It Runs in the Family.
  • "I get the sneaking suspicion that wasn't entirely your fault." Comet, master of the Understatement.
  • From the way Sinker acts before and after, Wolffe's reaction to learning that Sinker is now the leader of the Mandaloreans (and has Savage for a boyfriend) is nothing compared to Boost's reaction when he learned.
  • Feral's mother, upon getting fed up with Wolffe hiding from Feral in the ship while they're docked on Naboo, literally throws him out so he'll go buy new clothes, threatening to lock him out until Feral gets back. Wolffe doesn't take her seriously...until he comes back and she's really locked him out.
  • Ahsoka and Obi-Wan arrive back at the temple right when Plo Koon and Mace Windu learn who Darth Sidious is. Seeing as how they have no idea what the Oppress brothers (and their unexpected new lovers) have been doing in the last week, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan want to know exactly why the two Masters are planning to arrest a government official, who Feral is, and why they just now learned that Padme and Fox have been missing for a week. Mace promptly leaves, with Plo Koon having to explain the last week's events to the two.
    • Also, their reason for hiding with Plo Koon in the first place? Anakin is still not over Padme leaving him, and neither Ahsoka nor Obi-Wan want to be near Anakin when he's sulking.
