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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Violet gloats to Sam that she's needed in the conference room and tells him to enjoy being wherever he's going. That's when a secretary tells him that he's needed in the President's Oval Office. Cue Sam grinning widely and 'moonwalking into the office.
    Sam: [in a singsong tone] Somebody's more important~!
  • "The President can't be seen drinking during a time of crisis... SO NOBODY LOOK!"
  • Before the big Centipede battle the government closes off a soccer field under the guise of being a beer commercial. Later during the battle when they clearly see the video game bug winning and pixelating the soldiers:
    Soccer Player: What the hell kind of beer commercial is this?!
  • Speaking of whom, Centipede stopping for a few seconds to do the TV exercises with the old woman in the hotel room... right in the middle of being chased by Sam.
  • Who gives the coordinates for the playing field? The Where's the Beef? lady, who first asked... well, you know.
  • "The CIA has been tapping my phone since I found out the Zapruder footage has been edited. JFK shot first!"
  • Ludlow shouting at his grandmother from downstairs.
    Grandma: Ludlow! Did you get me some diet root beer while you were out?
    Ludlow: (to Brenner) You remember my grandma.
    Brenner: Sure.
    Ludlow: She's still a character after all those years. (to his grandma) No, no, Grandma. It's-It's funny. I didn't get a chance to, because, um— Oh, what happened? Oh, I remember now. I'M TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM ANNIHILATION! ARE YOU NUTS?! YOU CRACKER!
    Grandma: Don't yell at me!
  • This little bit during the NSC meeting:
    Cooper: This here is my old arcade game technical...adviser, person. He is Sam Brenner, he works in the tech sector.
    White House Aide: So, Caltech? MIT?
    Brenner: Yes, MIT. Mississippi Institute of Technology. No, not the one you were thinking of.
  • Ludlow shouting at the military officers and calling them names in order to motivate them, to no avail.
    Brenner: My name is Sam Brenner, and this is the Wonder Kid, also known as—
    Ludlow: YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! (everyone awkwardly looks at him) Looks to me, Brenner. Like someone forgot to send us the best of the best. Oops. And instead, dropped off A BUNCH OF INCONTINENT, ADULT-DIAPER-WEARING, CANDY-ASSED, CRIES-HIMSELF-TO-SLEEP, WOMEN-BABY-MAN-PEOPLE! What am I looking at right now? Are you guys soldiers or the cast of Magic Mike?! Are you here to fight or dance naked?! From now on, you maggots, you little girl maggots, whatever the hell the form of female maggot is.
    Brenner: "Magina"?
    Ludlow: You, magina! When you magina poop your pants, you're gonna be thinking of me! In your pants! You know what I mean! (Matty laughs in amusement) Do you feel me? Do you feel me, sailor?! You beautiful Nubian man! You gorgeous specimen of what God can make! Do you feel me?
    Cooper: I think you're about to feel him, Lud.
    Ludlow: [scared] I can't move.
    Brenner: Lemme help you. Hey, come here. Sorry. Don't touch the guy. Just sit down.
    Ludlow: Did I do good?
    Brenner: You did awful.
  • Anything Brian Cox says as Admiral Porter, really. Gems include:
    "You heard Hall & Oates. You blew it!"
    "Well then, let's blow up Google!"
  • This gem:
    Sam: Kid, I am just a loser who just happens to be good at playing video games.
    Kid: Well, thank goodness for that.
  • Meta: Josh Gad doing karaoke to "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" is funny enough, but it turns out that he covered the entire song from start to finish! Also counts as a moment of Awesome.
