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Funny / OverSimplified - The Cold War

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  • The episode opens up with an Imperial German commander sending a soldier out to find Vladimir Lenin. The soldier complies, but comes back with John Lennon instead.
    German commander: Wha-who-NO! Not LennON, LenIN! The Russian communist! WHAT!? Why would I need a Beatle!? Lenin! The Russian communist! He was exiled to Switzerland! You know what? I'll do it myself...
    (Cut to Lenin sitting in a coffee shop, calmly reading and sipping coffee. He looks up as a hole gets blasted through the wall)
    • The book Lenin is reading is Crapitalism by Karl Marx.
  • This gem of a line from Stalin when Truman shows him the Big A-Bomb:
    Stalin: Does the "A" stand for "atomic", or "ass"?
  • Stalin seems delighted at the poor conditions in Russia:
    Stalin: The more they suffer, the more likely it is they'll turn to Communism!
    Communist official: Dude, you're really messed up. What's wrong with you?
    Stalin: My father used to punish me severely.
  • A man from East Berlin decides to take a little trip to the west side of the city, only to return home to a displeased Stalin. The whole scene plays out like a jealous housewife confronting her adulterous husband.
    Stalin: You're home late...
    Man: Oh, Stalin! I was just out with my friends.
    Stalin: "Friends"?! You stink of capitalism! You were out engaging in imperialist debauchery again! I swear, Ivan, I can't keep doing this!
  • Khrushchev making an alliance with Castro.
    Castro: Hey, I'm a communist who hates America, you're a communist who hates America. You know what that means?
    Khrushchev: We should fall in love!
    Castro: Uh, I was gonna suggest that you set your missiles up in Cuba.
    Khrushchev: Oh, no, no you're right. That's a better idea. (To himself) Be still, my beating heart...
  • Brezhnev was a kisser and promptly kissed Carter after signing the SALT II. Later, some conservative dignitaries are angry at Carter because he "let" Brezhnev kiss him.
    • The mere fact that Brezhnev is depicted as having eternally puckered lips.
  • And of course, the Chinese welcome sign for the American ping pong team which reads: "WE LOVE YOU, AMERICAN PIGS!"
